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Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

What SIBOS 2022 Told Me About Payment Tech’s Future in 2023

SIBOS is well and truly over. So, what did it mean for you? Sore feet from walking the conference floor and a sore head from so much talk and debate? My personal takeaways from the event start with how exciting it was to be enjoying a full-blooded event, meeting clients, media, and peers in the industry. Out of all of the chatter, some old and new...

/payments /sibos Digital Banking

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Fighting financial crime in 2022

A big topic for this Sibos (and most past ones too) is how to stamp out financial crime without disrupting or degrading high quality service experiences for the vast majority of honest (and very important and valuable) customers. As it stands, financial crime is skyrocketing with banks facing more and more challenges to manage risks effectively. A...

/sibos /crime Exposing Financial Crime

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

AI and Intelligent Automation is Key for Banks to Help Navigate Inflationary Stormy Weather

Six months ago preparing for SIBOS, the biggest elephant in the room for what’s keeping bankers up at night was probably sanctions. How Western governments have ratcheted up sanctions against Russians and Russian businesses will still be a big topic of SIBOS but another issue is waded into the debate, namely inflation. At last year’s SIBOS, inflat...

/sibos /devops Innovation in Financial Services

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Future-proofing talent: what the banking industry needs to do to stay ahead of the curve

In an age of constant innovation and ever-expanding possibilities for customer engagement, the banking sector is not alone in considering future talent development as a key business concern. Research released in April by the UK’s Financial Services Skills Commission (FSSC) found that 92% of its member firms had difficult-to-fill vacancies in 2022...

/people /retail High performing teams

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Why banks considering coding their own applications should think again

Any bank that wants to create applications, for everything from sending customers a newsletter to onboarding a new client, may think hard coding is the best thing to do or the only option they have. Let me give you three reasons they should think again. Coding is expensive and time-consuming Hard coding applications can take months of programmers’...

/devops Innovation in Financial Services

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

The value of frictionless banking

It goes without saying that today’s consumers expect activities like making a payment or checking their bank balance to be as easy and fast as possible. But the ongoing cost of living crisis also means they have a clear need for their banks to make services as straightforward as possible to access. That means banks need to invest in the customer e...

/payments /devops Innovation in Financial Services

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Are banks ready for ISO 20022?

In today's global economy, real time payments, complete transparency and risk management are the keys to a successful payments business. Over the last few years, there have been a number of initiatives and organisations that have strived to achieve a level of standardisation for payments messaging. The decision by major central banks and SWIFT to ...

/payments /sibos SWIFT Matters

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Using no code or low code capabilities to help resolve the tech skills gap in banking

The ongoing challenge of the tech skills gap within banking is something employers cannot ignore if they want to maintain competitive differentiation. According to the 2022 BCS State of the Nation report, there were over 64,000 vacancies for UK tech jobs in Q3 2021, a 191% increase in the equivalent period in 2020. Against a backdrop of skills sho...

/people /devops Digital Bank Transformation

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Net Zero Banking: How can Technology Help Banks Achieve Net Zero Goals?

There are a growing number of high street and digital-first challenger banks investing in net zero banking, including HSBC, Barclays and Kroo, and for good reason. Now more than ever, customers expect their banks to place more focus on sustainability. According to Deloitte’s Better Banking Survey, 71% of customers are more likely to choose a bank...

/payments /devops Going green

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Innovation in Banking: Harnessing People and Technology

Go to the websites of the big High Street Banks and you come across pages devoted to innovation and technology. That’s no surprise when banks have sped up their digitisation programmes following COVID and the changing behaviour of customers. There’s a lot to celebrate and lots of evidence of banks breaking down barriers on the technologies they’ll...

/payments /devops Innovation in Financial Services