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Expert opinions Last 7 days total 30

Robert Marsh

Robert Marsh QA at Metia

test group opinion

this is a test group opinion rev1

/startups /inclusion This is a test group

Nickii Mallia

Nickii Mallia Business Development Manager at Aqubix Ltd - KYC Portal

Best Practices for Implementing a KYC/AML platform in Financial Institutions

In the rapidly evolving financial landscape, implementing a robust KYC/AML platform is paramount for financial institutions. Effective processes not only ensure regulatory compliance but also enhance customer experience and streamline operations. This blog outlines the steps for a successful KYC/AML platform implementation, addresses common challe...

/regulation /crime RegTech

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Celebrating 8 Years as a Finextra Blogger: Thank You for This Journey of Insights and Innovations

As I mark my 8th anniversary as a blogger on Finextra, I am filled with immense gratitude and pride. It's been an incredible journey of sharing knowledge, sparking discussions, and exploring the dynamic world of banking and financial technology. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Finextra community for your unwavering support, engagement, and i...

/people /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Harsh Daiya

Harsh Daiya Staff Software Engineer at Paypal

Fintech Fraud Prevention Regulatory Hurdles

As a result of the lightning-speed changes in financial technology (fintech), preventing fraudhas become increasingly important. In their bid to deliver the most streamlined and customer-friendly financial services, fintech companies face significant headwinds from fraudulent activities. Regulatory frameworks mold strategies that limit firms while...

/payments /regulation RegTech

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Bank v. Neobank: Safety Of Money In The Light Of Synapse - Evolve Fracas

Fintech Mafia Carousel Pumping is the circular shilling of one another's financial products and services by a bunch of fintech founders with least regard for truth or consumer interest. I recently came across the following exhibit of Fintech Mafia Carousel Pumping on LinkedIn. ========== Why do some of us trust Barclays or Bank of America more tha...

/regulation /retail

New members

Laura Newell-Mclaughlin

Laura Newell-Mclaughlin EVP of Integrated Payments and Campus Commerce at Transact Campus

Ruban Phukan

Ruban Phukan CEO & Co-Founder at GoodGist

Xingyu Huang

Xingyu Huang PhD Student at Bocconi University

Taishi Hasegawa

Taishi Hasegawa CEO at Taishi Tech & Associates


Robert Marsh

Robert Marsh QA at Metia

test group opinion

Research Total research pieces 251

Impact Study

Payment Fraud in 2024: Who is Liable?

Fraud is a billion-dollar business in the Instant Payments era. Statistics show that ecommerce fraud is predicted to exceed $48 billion globally by the end of 2023 alone and could exceed $362 billion between 2023 and 2028.  In 2024, banks will not only contend with the changing liability landscape, but the upcoming adoption of ISO 20022 as well. Both represent a historical shift in the financial services industry. To prepare for a higher degree of liability in a data-rich environment, banks need to address the holistic landscape of fraud mitigation.  This Finextra impact study, produced in association with NICE Actimize, addresses the changing liability landscape and what banks need to do to prepare for regulatory changes and increased fraud protection.  We cover:  Shifting liability and the impact of new PSR regulation  ISO 20022’s impact on the financial industry  Financial industry priorities in 2024  And more. 



Payments Modernisation: The Big Survey 2024

Welcome to the fourth edition of The Big Survey. Our annual report, surveying 350 senior bankers across the globe, offers a unique vantage point on the ever-evolving landscape of payments modernisation. Over the years, we’ve uncovered fresh developments and enduring challenges alike, painting a detailed picture of the industry’s trajectory. As we navigate 2024, the financial services sector is in the midst of profound transformation. Our latest insights highlight the critical need to modernise payment systems swiftly and effectively, driven by rising customer expectations and stringent regulatory demands.  Download our 2024 survey to learn about:  The current state of capabilities  Why payments architecture is more flexible than ever before  Financial institutions’ budgets and spending priorities  The global drive towards real-time and cross-border  And much more. 


Future of Report

The Future of Digital Banking in Europe 2024

A Money20/20 Special Edition. In 2023, fintech investment in the EMEA region dropped to $24.5 billion, down from $49.6 billion in 2022 – a seven year low.  Macroeconomic and global political conditions are creating challenges for growth, with upcoming general elections around the world adding to the uncertainties in financial ecosystems. Despite these challenges, the outlook for European digital banking remains positive.  The region continues to lead in innovation within the financial sector. This Finextra report, a Special Edition for Money20/20 Europe, features interviews with key players in the European financial services and fintech industries. It includes insights from Vodeno, EY, J.P. Morgan, Swift, Tink, and TrueLayer, and explores the following topics that will be addressed in Amsterdam: Hyper-personalisation: Moving towards super apps  Embedded payments driving the Banking-as-a-Service revolution  Variable recurring payments: The next step in European open banking  Is Europe ready for MiCA? From Web1 to Web3, or Markets1 to Markets3  How European fintech is facing macro challenges 



120,944views in past year


What changes lie ahead for the future of real-time payments

At EBAday 2024, Paul Francis Walvik-Joynt, Senior Vice President, Real Time Payments, Mastercard, shares an outline of what changes lie ahead for real-time payments and what the proliferation of real-time payments means for the adoption of instant payments. It is evident that trust needs to be maintained as the industry grows and introduces new networks, ensuring organisations are remaining resilient and fraud is combatted. Further, with the advent of new real-time payments systems, opportunities are opening up for domestic and global payments, and for technologies such as AI to be leveraged.

Long reads Total long reads 999

Madhvi Mavadiya

Madhvi Mavadiya Head of Content at Finextra

Payments processing: Why banks should take a composable approach

Over the last two decades, many banks have faced the frustration of being locked into high operating costs. Minimal budgets cannot meet business needs for expansion or support the improvement of product offerings. This is partly due to regulatory requirements consuming the lion’s share of the budget and the high cost of maintaining legacy systems. ...


Pixel8 Pro

Pixel8 Pro Mobile Phone at Google




Madhvi Mavadiya

Madhvi Mavadiya Head of Content at Finextra

US election 2024: What will Trump VP pick J.D. Vance bring to fintech?

“AI poses a number of safety concerns and I fully admit that there are a number of issues I worry about as AI continues to develop. In particular, you could imagine a scenario where AI makes these chatbots much more efficient, much more believable, allows predators to prey on children more easily online. That is a real concern and something that I...

