
News and resources on cloud strategy, selection, build, migration and operation for banks and fintechs.

[Webinar] How AI is re-shaping financial servicesFinextra Promoted[Webinar] How AI is re-shaping financial services

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Expert opinions

Anne Willem De Vries

Anne Willem De Vries Co-founder and CEO at Silverflow

Legacy Systems Are Holding Payments Back

Despite processing millions of payments a day, the payments industry is being held back by outdated technology that has become too integral to replace or integrate with – until now. Legacy systems are already costing the payments industry $36.7 billion per year, a figure that is expected to rise to $57.1 billion by 2028. Rather than addressing sin...

/payments /cloud The Payments Business

Zubin Limbuvala

Zubin Limbuvala Principal Data Strategy Lead at GFT

Are you brave enough to look beyond ‘Lift and shift’?

What do cloud solutions have in common with the electric vehicle industry? On the face of it not much. Corporate successes in the last few years have proven that slow evolution and retro fitment are not good enough for firms to thrive and excel. The most successful companies start off with an idea and a philosophy from the ground up. Take the exam...


Aditi Subbarao

Aditi Subbarao Global Financial Services Lead at Instabase

How To Slice a Data Cake: A Guide to Tidying Up Your Data Space (Crumbs Included)

Most of you might not know this… if the 3- to 4-year age group demographic is part of your target market, the product of choice is rainbow cakes. And maybe unicorns, but real cake trumps imaginary animals. Now imagine satisfying a bunch of highly demanding, highly vocal, highly unpredictable, and irrational customers, on a high-stakes delivery,

/wholesale /cloud Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Mayuri Jain

Mayuri Jain Senior Manager, BFSI Industry Marketing at Persistent Systems Inc.

Diversification is The Key to Survival and Growth for Commercial Lenders in Challenging Times

“In times of economic turbulence, diversification isn’t just a strategy—it’s a lifeline.” This powerful statement underscores the critical importance of diversification for commercial lenders, especially in today’s volatile economic landscape. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and unpredictable market dynamics, commercial lender...

/cloud Banking

Mayuri Jain

Mayuri Jain Senior Manager, BFSI Industry Marketing at Persistent Systems Inc.

How Customer-Centric Communication Transforms Borrower Satisfaction

From the moment a borrower expresses interest in getting a loan to the final repayment, a bank’s communication strategies shape the customer’s perception of its lending process. Many financial institutions underestimate the impact communication can have on their ability to deliver a positive experience. The moment a borrower feels confused or stre...

/people /cloud Banking and Lending Solutions




Payments Modernisation: The Big Survey 2024

Welcome to the fourth edition of The Big Survey. Our annual report, surveying 350 senior bankers across the globe, offers a unique vantage point on the ever-evolving landscape of payments modernisation. Over the years, we’ve uncovered fresh developments and enduring challenges alike, painting a detailed picture of the industry’s trajectory. As we navigate 2024, the financial services sector is in the midst of profound transformation. Our latest insights highlight the critical need to modernise payment systems swiftly and effectively, driven by rising customer expectations and stringent regulatory demands.  Download our 2024 survey to learn about:  The current state of capabilities  Why payments architecture is more flexible than ever before  Financial institutions’ budgets and spending priorities  The global drive towards real-time and cross-border  And much more. 


Event Report

Mastering DORA: A Strategic Guide to Operational Resilience

In the rapidly evolving fintech world, robust, reliable, and resilient systems are more crucial than ever. The industry must grapple not just with the challenges of instant payments and external cyber threats, but also with the advent of new players, running on varied infrastructures and offering unprecedented uptime levels.  DORA, introduced by the European Union, provides a dedicated framework for the EU financial sector, aimed at protecting digital operational resilience—a vital aspect of contemporary business operations.  This Finextra webinar report, hosted in association with NTT DATA, offers a strategic guide to mastering DORA. It covers:  Understanding DORA and its impact on the financial services industry  Why operational resilience is key to business continuity  Key aspects of implementation  And more.  Download our webinar report now to learn more.  Click here to watch the webinar on-demand now - DORA: The drive towards better operational resilience.


Impact Study

AI and Cloud: The Proving Ground for Regulatory Resilience in 2024

The current macroeconomic landscape is marked by exceptional volatility and uncertainty, posing challenges to traditional models in the financial services sector. Despite this new challenging market context, some financial institutions continue to hit pause on using AI and cloud technology, falling behind the curve. Leveraging new technologies can no longer be a zero-sum game. This impact study explores: How can AI and cloud be leveraged to improve back-end processes, rather than just front-end experiences; How migrating to the cloud can fuel new use cases; The regulatory impact of PSD3, DORA and more; The benefits of data sovereignty and data governance; And more. Download this Finextra impact study, produced in association with Microsoft Azure, to learn more.




The Importance of ESG when Choosing a Technology Provider

Join FinextraTV at the Temenos Community Forum 2024 as Kalliopi Chioti, Chief ESG Officer, Temenos and Christian Sarafidis, Chief Executive, EMEA Financial Services, Microsoft, dive deep into how choosing the right provider and right partner is crucial for ESG. With increasing pressure coming to the fore from regulators, organisations have no choice but to consider their reputations. This journey cannot be completed alone, so partners are of paramount importance, in addition to technologies such as cloud and AI to drive sustainability efforts.


Long reads

Sehrish Alikhan

Sehrish Alikhan Reporter at Finextra

ERP migrations and the pitfalls of decayed bank master data

In a data-rich world, financial institutions are already struggling with fractured bank master data. Add on top of that data decay and the drive towards migration as many ERP (enterprise resource planning) providers move towards the end-of-life dates for their traditional ERP systems, migration is becoming a herculean task. In the face of a loomin...

Madhvi Mavadiya

Madhvi Mavadiya Head of Content at Finextra

How to define cloud sovereignty and the quest for balance

With the everchanging geopolitical landscape and new regulations coming to the fore, where data is kept, where it is shared, and who can access it are all considerations for financial institutions in a world where more data equals more power. As a growing amount of data is stored in cloud-based data centres, the EU, US, and China have issued regul...

Karan Jain

Karan Jain CEO at NayaOne

Top technologies that will disrupt UK fintech

The UK has made itself a centre for innovative technologies which evolve, disrupt and drive the global fintech ecosystem. This is an extract from the recently published report, 'The Future of UK Fintech - 2015-2035'. The UK fintech environment provides a perfect recipe to help foster innovations which are transformative, as well as impactful. T...