/retail banking

News and resources on retail banking, consumer finance and reinventing customer experience in finance.

[Webinar] AI and Synthetic Data: Fighting Financial Fraud and Protecting CustomersFinextra Promoted[Webinar] AI and Synthetic Data: Fighting Financial Fraud and Protecting Customers

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Expert opinions

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Celebrating 8 Years as a Finextra Blogger: Thank You for This Journey of Insights and Innovations

As I mark my 8th anniversary as a blogger on Finextra, I am filled with immense gratitude and pride. It's been an incredible journey of sharing knowledge, sparking discussions, and exploring the dynamic world of banking and financial technology. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Finextra community for your unwavering support, engagement, and i...

/people /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Bank v. Neobank: Safety Of Money In The Light Of Synapse - Evolve Fracas

Fintech Mafia Carousel Pumping is the circular shilling of one another's financial products and services by a bunch of fintech founders with least regard for truth or consumer interest. I recently came across the following exhibit of Fintech Mafia Carousel Pumping on LinkedIn. ========== Why do some of us trust Barclays or Bank of America more tha...

/regulation /retail

Luigi Wewege

Luigi Wewege President at Caye International Bank

Fintech Collaboration: Reshaping the Banking Industry

The banking industry is undergoing a transformative evolution, driven by the rapid advancement of financial technology, or fintech. This burgeoning collaboration between traditional banks and fintech companies is not merely a trend; it is a fundamental shift that is reshaping the very foundation of financial services. In this op-ed, we will explor...

/retail /predictions Financial Transformation

Jeremy Takle

Jeremy Takle Founder and CEO at Pennyworth

The Next Evolution in Banking: why personal finance needs holistic solutions

Future banks should evolve to offer holistic financial solutions, moving beyond fragmented services and limited offerings. In this article, we’ll discuss how, by focusing on integrated solutions that help customers achieve their financial goals, banks can transform personal finance and enhance overall financial wellbeing for all. The financial lan...

/wealth /retail Disruption in Retail Banking

Ben Goldin

Ben Goldin Founder and CEO at Plumery

Mind the Gap: Expectations vs. Reality in Modern SME Banking

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are undeniably a cornerstone of global economic growth and innovation. The International Labour Organization recently reported that in most OECD countries, SMEs contribute more than 50% of GDP, with some global estimates placing this figure as high as 70%. Despite their significant economic role, SMEs cont...

/retail /inclusion Banking



Robert Marsh

Robert Marsh QA at Metia

test opinion



Future of Report

The Future of Digital Banking in Europe 2024

A Money20/20 Special Edition. In 2023, fintech investment in the EMEA region dropped to $24.5 billion, down from $49.6 billion in 2022 – a seven year low.  Macroeconomic and global political conditions are creating challenges for growth, with upcoming general elections around the world adding to the uncertainties in financial ecosystems. Despite these challenges, the outlook for European digital banking remains positive.  The region continues to lead in innovation within the financial sector. This Finextra report, a Special Edition for Money20/20 Europe, features interviews with key players in the European financial services and fintech industries. It includes insights from Vodeno, EY, J.P. Morgan, Swift, Tink, and TrueLayer, and explores the following topics that will be addressed in Amsterdam: Hyper-personalisation: Moving towards super apps  Embedded payments driving the Banking-as-a-Service revolution  Variable recurring payments: The next step in European open banking  Is Europe ready for MiCA? From Web1 to Web3, or Markets1 to Markets3  How European fintech is facing macro challenges 


Future of Report

The Future of UK Fintech - 2015-2035

An IFGS Special Edition UK Fintech Week 2024 With UK Fintech Week's flagship event - Innovate Finance Global Summit (IFGS) - returning for its 10th anniversary, Finextra and Innovate Finance have partnered to publish this report, which acts as your go-to-guide to everything you need to know about financial services and technology in the UK. ‘The Future of UK Fintech: 2015 – 2035: An IFGS Special Edition’ includes commentary from the brightest and best across the fintech ecosystem, discussing and debating the crucial issues facing the sector now and in years to come. This includes key insights from industry experts from Cogo, EY, Konsentus, Marqeta, Standard Chartered Ventures, and Zopa Bank. Scoping out the next decade to come, this report explores the agenda topics below and more: The Next Decade of FS and Innovation: What Lies Ahead Fintech Beyond FS Borders: How Fintech is Impacting other Industries and Sectors UK and the World: Keeping our Crown while Learning from Others Transformative Technologies: Opportunities and Risks Users of Tomorrow: The Next Generation of Consumers The Shifting Ecosystem: Who Will Lead?


Impact Study

APP Fraud Liability: A Guide for Banks

Fraud is running rampant. The UK Government's 2023 'Fraud Strategy' report highlighted that fraud now accounts for over 40% of crime, yet receives less than 1% of police resources. More needs to be done to ensure that the consumer is protected.  This is why, as per the Financial Services and Markets Bill, all PSPs will now be required to reimburse fraud victims from October 2024. In light of these upcoming changes, banks need to reassess how they manage liability associated with APP fraud and develop new methodologies in order to investigate and mitigate fraud more effectively.  This Finextra impact study, produced in collaboration with Form3, gives banks a guide to tackling the new APP fraud liability landscape. It highlights:  Risk scoring payments  Implementing the right intelligence  Considering false positives  Ensuring explainability  And more. 




What African Banks are Prioritising Today

Join FinextraTV at the Temenos Community Forum 2024 as Lee Allcorn, Managing Director, MEA, Temenos and Deribie Asfaw, President, Cooperative Bank of Oromia talk about the priorities for banks across the African continent and the speed at which business and innovation operates here. Today, clients are prioritising trust, security and ensuring that their investments are as risk-free as possible. In addition to this, providing services to those that are unbanked and underbanked in a low cost manner continues to be an issue to be resolved. The conversation also turns to scalability, as financial institutions in Africa look to reach new channels and new markets.


Long reads

Pixel8 Pro

Pixel8 Pro Mobile Phone at Google



Hamish Monk

Hamish Monk Reporter at Finextra

Hyper-personalisation - Are super-apps over?

Hyper-personalisation has become something of a buzzword in discussions of the Future of Digital Banking in Europe. On the ground there are many holes that need to be plugged – both in terms of the technology and scalability – before it can become prevalent. A Deloitte report, ‘The Future of Retail Banking: The Hyper-Personalisation Imperative’, ...

Hamish Monk

Hamish Monk Reporter at Finextra

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s super-app: How to use hyper-personalisation in your business

The super-app is the final boss of hyper-personalisation; the assembled endgame of the personal finance app (PFA). Look up – it’s swooping down to save the day; dropping a gamut of services in the palm of end-users’ hands. Alas, the term ‘super-app’ has become something of a nebulous catchphrase in the land of financial services. To help demystify ...