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Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

Why 'Agile and Adaptive Banking' is the only survival mantra.

The banking industry is characterized by constant change, and adapting is crucial for capitalizing on opportunities and minimizing risks. The increasing demand for real-time information is causing a corresponding evolution and escalation in customer expectations and a transition from physical to virtual service delivery. Need for Agile and Adapti...

/retail /wholesale Banking

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

Democratized AI

What is Democratized AI: The democratization of artificial intelligence entails universal access to AI. Put simply, open-source datasets and tools, which were created by prominent corporations , require minimal user expertise in artificial intelligence, allowing anyone to construct groundbreaking AI software. The underlying principle of 'Democrat...

/retail /inclusion Artificial Intelligence

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

On Demand Pay

"On-demand pay" allows employees to request a portion of their compensation before the next pay period. This is especially beneficial for personnel who may encounter unanticipated financial obligations. The provision of "on-demand pay" grants personnel the flexibility to withdraw accrued wages at their preferred time. Along with...

/payments /retail Banking

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

What is Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is providing access to financial services on an equitable and universal basis. Financial inclusion comprises a sequence of processes by which individuals and organizations can acquire appropriate, timely, and economical financial products and services, including banking products, loans, and insurance. Financial requirements oug...

/people /inclusion Technology for Social Good

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

Why Do We Need Strong Resilient Financial System

Resilience is a process and an outcome of effectively adjusting to life's challenges and adversities, specifically through the exhibition of mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility, as well as the ability to endure internal and external pressures. Organizational resilience pertains to the capacity of a business to proactively foresee, prepa...

/security /regulation Financial Risk Management

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

Why Wealth Management is important

Historically, wealth management was limited to the family's elders. These individuals, assisted by advisors and chartered accountants, made prudent and secure investments, guaranteeing the absence of concealed charges or hazards. Those in the upper echelons of society were the primary investors, and their holdings were typically limited to real est...

/wealth /retail Financial Inclusion

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

What is RegTech

Introduction: The financial industry has been significantly transformed by the Regtech, which has brought about substantial changes to compliance procedures, risk administration, and regulatory disclosure. Regtech, an acronym for regulatory technology, is an emerging industry that makes use of cutting-edge technologies to bolster regulatory procedu...

/retail /wholesale RegTech

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

What is Open Banking

In the contemporary digital landscape, Open Banking represents a paradigm shift in managing financial transactions. It helps create an environment where financial institutions can securely share the data with other stakeholders with the customer’s consent. This is done through API ( Application Programming Interface), which helps in data sharing b...

/retail /wholesale Open Banking

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

Quantum Computing in Finance

Quantum computing is changing the game in finance. Financial modeling is becoming more efficient, secure, and intelligent using this revolutionary technology. Here are three things that will make you look at your financial world differently. 1. Super Speed Calculations : Our computer operates on a binary system of ones and zeros. But with quantum ...

/wealth /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

Digital Mortgage

A Digital Mortgage uses technology to connect with borrowers at every stage of the lending process, irrespective of where they are. This type of mortgage reduces costs, eliminates the manual process, and streamlines the entire operation. No more piles of paperwork, phone calls, or waiting in queues at the bank.This revolutionary approach uses tech...

/retail /wholesale Digital Banking, Mortgages and Savings

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