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Priya Kumari

Priya Kumari Digital Content Marketing Specialist at MSys Technologies

Revolutionizing On-Device AI: World-English Language Models and FinTech Impact

Prelude In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI), there is a constant drive to push the boundaries of what is possible. One area where this is particularly evident is in the development of Virtual Assistants (VAs). These intelligent agents have become ubiquitous in our daily lives, helping us navigate complex tasks and prov

/payments /inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Priya Kumari

Priya Kumari Digital Content Marketing Specialist at MSys Technologies

The Resilience of Credit Unions: Shaping the Future of Consumer Loans

Introduction While credit unions have experienced a slight slowdown in growth, they have proven to be more resistant to market fluctuations compared to banks. Despite facing challenges, credit unions have managed to maintain their share and even make gains in specific sectors. This article explores the recent trends in credit unions' consumer loan...

/payments /markets Banking

Priya Kumari

Priya Kumari Digital Content Marketing Specialist at MSys Technologies

Unstoppable Waves of Change: Automation Transforming Buy Now, Pay Later

As the sands shift beneath our feet, a new tide rises - one driven not by the tectonic forces of tradition, but rather by the relentless currents of technological advancement. We find ourselves swept away by the Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) phenomenon, where automation reigns supreme, shaping the very fabric of modern finance. Market Expansion and D

/payments Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Priya Kumari

Priya Kumari Digital Content Marketing Specialist at MSys Technologies

The Resilience of Credit Unions: Shaping the Future of Consumer Loans

Introduction While credit unions have experienced a slight slowdown in growth, they have proven to be more resistant to market fluctuations compared to banks. Despite facing challenges, credit unions have managed to maintain their share and even make gains in specific sectors. This article explores the recent trends in credit unions' consumer loan...

/payments /markets Banking

Priya Kumari

Priya Kumari Digital Content Marketing Specialist at MSys Technologies

The Emergence of Embedded Fintech in the European Office of CFO SaaS

The European office of CFO SaaS is witnessing a fierce battleground as leading SaaS platforms embrace the integration of FinTech solutions with their software workflows. In this article, we delve into this evolving landscape of the emergence of embedded FinTech in the European FinTech, unravel the story thereafter, and present key insights. The So...

/inclusion /markets Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Priya Kumari

Priya Kumari Digital Content Marketing Specialist at MSys Technologies

Maximizing Conversions While Minimizing Financial Fraud: The Benefits of Machine Learning Models

Introduction In today's dynamic and increasingly digital financial landscape, the quest for maximizing conversions while minimizing financial fraud has become a top priority for businesses. Machine learning models play a pivotal role in achieving this dual objective, as they are adept at quickly and efficiently processing and analyzing vast amount...

/security /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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