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Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

Call it a fact wallet - not an ID-wallet

Why? Because too many still think that the wallets will be used only or mainly to identify citizens. When they in fact will serve life events not only for citizens - but also for organizations and things - with all sorts of verified data - building the identity - all the way to a digital twin (if so chosen). The state issued identification credent...

Tejasvi Addagada

Tejasvi Addagada Enterprise Data Head at Fortune 500 financial service provider

When to use Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) vs. privacy management tools in Banks?

A more common question today is "whether privacy enhancing technologies should be used in conjunction with privacy management tools?". Privacy enhancing technologies are tools that can be used to protect data, such as encryption or masking. Privacy management tools are tools that can be used to manage who has access to data, such as acce...

/security /people Bigger than Technology

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

Bank Fraud is Colossus: what can we do?

Bank Fraud was examined in clinical detail at LexisNexis ‘Trust:Live 2024 Conference. Fraud represents 49% of UK Crime. No one knows how many scammers are out there. The scale of scam messages, over 1 billion sent over the telecom networks this year, suggests a significant number of digital fraudsters. The Dedicated Card & Payment Crime Unit ...

/payments /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Hugo Chamberlain

Hugo Chamberlain COO at smartKYC

The Evolution of KYC Screening into Integrity Screening: Beyond Financial Risks

Know Your Customer (KYC) processes have traditionally been the backbone of financial institutions’ efforts to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes. Historically, KYC screening focused primarily on identifying red flags such as suspicious transactions and connections to criminal activities. However, in recent ...

Brian Montgomery

Brian Montgomery Senior Director, International Finance at Workday

How to unleash top investment talent and teams

Investment management firms have seen more change in the last five years than in the previous five decades. New asset classes, significant regulatory and technological developments, pandemic-related market and workplace volatility, as well as evolving client expectations have all pushed investment managers well and truly into the era of ‘never nor...

/ai /people Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Rodrigo Zepeda

Rodrigo Zepeda CEO at Storm-7 Consulting Limited

A Guide to FCA Cryptoasset AML/CTF Applications for Crypto Firms: PART III

In June 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published feedback on good and poor quality applications under the existing cryptoasset anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) regime (Feedback). This four-part blog series will aim to provide crypto firms and their compliance personnel (including Money Laundering Report...

/crypto /crime Cryptocurrency Insights

Satinder Lala

Satinder Lala Director of Marketing at Capium

Why Financial Professionals Should Embrace Current Tech and AI: Out with the Old, In with the New

Why UK Accountants and other Financial Professionals Should Embrace Current Technology: Out with the Old, In with the New In the light of HMRC’s new update to Accountants by Amy Chin, Aweb’s Tax writer, I thought about our accountants and other financial professionals -the unsung heroes of the business world ensuring that our numbers add up and ou...

/ai /inclusion Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Sasank Chary

Sasank Chary Senior Advisor at Sageview Capital

The Future of Fintech is B2B; 5 Principles for Success

By Sasank Chary and Andy Greos The financial technology sector has undergone seismic shifts in recent years. The narrative often centered around fintech companies displacing traditional financial institutions with superior technology and user experience. However, the focus moving forward is likely to shift towards fintech playing a supportive and ...

/predictions Fintech

Sheza Gary

Sheza Gary Project Strategiest at Self Employed

Magecart Attack Mitigation Is Vital as Financial Fraud Runs Rampant

Magecart attacks refer to a common method of online fraud that have been around for almost a decade, and they continue to pose a serious threat to almost every financial organization, especially as e-commerce fraud becomes a growing concern. Security researchers say that Magecart groups have been active since at least 2016, and they are responsibl...


Rodrigo Zepeda

Rodrigo Zepeda CEO at Storm-7 Consulting Limited

A Guide to FCA Cryptoasset AML/CTF Applications for Crypto Firms: PART II

In June 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published feedback on good and poor quality applications under the existing cryptoasset anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) regime (Feedback). This four-part blog series will aim to provide crypto firms and their compliance personnel (including Money Laundering Report...

/crypto /crime Cryptocurrency Insights

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