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Duncan Kreeger

Duncan Kreeger Founder and CEO at TAB

Charting Property Finance in the UK

In today's ever-shifting economic landscape, navigating property finance can feel like charting a course through turbulent and unpredictable waters for borrowers. Whether you are a homeowner with a mortgage or a seasoned property investor, everyone must tread carefully as they adjust to an environment no longer characterised by low and stable infl...


Duncan Kreeger

Duncan Kreeger Founder and CEO at TAB

Unlocking Business Potential: Navigating AI Integration

A few months ago, I asked my team, do you use AI? Once I had helped them to understand that I saw AI as a facilitator, not a shortcut, I was pleased to learn that almost everyone was using AI for something. Whether that was correcting formulae in Excel, checking punctuation within written documents or supporting the coding process for our platform...

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