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Leetal Gruper

Leetal Gruper Co-Founder & CEO at Tarci

The Impact of Holiday Seasons on Small Business Success: Unveiling Trends and Strategies

In the dynamic realm of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), the holiday season isn't always a time of pure celebration. Recent data analysis sheds light on intriguing patterns in SMB activity, revealing spikes in closures during certain months contrasted by a surge in new incorporations as the New Year unfolds. This blog delves into these f...

/markets /predictions Business

Leetal Gruper

Leetal Gruper Co-Founder & CEO at Tarci

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Tarci Data Reveals SMBs’ Growing Need for Financial Talent

Despite the current challenging economic climate, there is a fascinating trend emerging whereby small and medium-sized businesses are prioritizing financial expertise above all other skills. Tarci’s research team found that over 34,700 businesses are actively seeking to fill financial roles annually, indicating a hiring frenzy. Why are SMBs Unde...

/payments /retail Fintech

Leetal Gruper

Leetal Gruper Co-Founder & CEO at Tarci

Exploring the Evolving Business Environment After COVID-19: Examining Subscription Plans in Detail

Subscription plans are successful in helping small businesses grow in both profitability and customer satisfaction. However, this model is losing its charm as we evolve into a post-pandemic era, which can be harmful to companies that serve small businesses. According to Tarci data, in 2022, there was a 49% decrease in small businesses offering sub...

/markets /covid-19 Banking and Lending Solutions

Leetal Gruper

Leetal Gruper Co-Founder & CEO at Tarci

Breaking Tradition: Why More SMBs are Saying Yes to New Currencies

As the business world continues to evolve, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are embracing new technologies to stay competitive. One of the most significant changes in recent years has been the growing trend of SMBs accepting cryptocurrencies as payment. This trend marks a break from traditional payment methods, and its importance lies in it...


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