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Farnoush Mirmoeini

Farnoush Mirmoeini Co-founder at KYC Hub

The EU AI Act - What Are The Implications For Banking and Fintech?

Yesterday’s European Parliament's final vote on the AI Act, set to take effect this May, heralds the world's most comprehensive AI legislation. Just Like GDPR, it will have global implications beyond the EU. The AI Act provides a comprehensive framework for ensuring development of trustworthy AI and the responsible use of AI tools, in particular tr...

/regulation Artificial Intelligence

Farnoush Mirmoeini

Farnoush Mirmoeini Co-founder at KYC Hub

Embracing Equity – are we there yet?

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity as a way to raise gender equality and create a world free of bias or stereotypes. So where do we stand on this today? What’s it like in 2023 to be a woman in industries such as tech or financial services? I was shocked to come across a report from the World Economic Forum that showed...

/people /startups Women in Technology

Farnoush Mirmoeini

Farnoush Mirmoeini Co-founder at KYC Hub

Change ahead: Key KYC and financial crime developments in 2023

2022 brought renewed attention to the anti-money-laundering (AML) space and the know your customer (KYC) processes underpinning it. High profile cases, such as the criminal trial of Credit Suisse for failing to prevent money-laundering by a Bulgarian drug trafficking ring and the unprecedented sanctions against Russia put the subject front and cen...

/crime /predictions RegTech

Farnoush Mirmoeini

Farnoush Mirmoeini Co-founder at KYC Hub

When KYC is the reason for cross-border payment failure and how to fix it

Such is the frustration around frictions in cross-border payments the G20 decided to put its stake in the ground and make the improvement of cross-border payments a priority back in 2020. A couple of years on and the state of play has been assessed, 19 building blocks have been identified and set out in a roadmap and the G20 has provided much need...

/payments /regulation

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