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Andrei Karpushonak

Andrei Karpushonak CEO at Aprimerose

The Evolving Landscape of Open-Source Software: Benefits, Challenges, and Regulations

In recent years, open-source software has been making waves in the tech industry and beyond, offering a compelling alternative to proprietary software. But what exactly is open-source software, and how does it differ from its proprietary counterpart? Open-source vs Proprietary Proprietary software is owned by a single entity and protected by copyr...

/regulation /wealth Fintech innovation and startups

Andrei Karpushonak

Andrei Karpushonak CEO at Aprimerose

From Bearer Bonds to Registered Securities: The Evolution of Finance

In the financial world, securities are financial instruments that represent ownership of a specific asset or claim on an underlying asset. In the past, most securities were issued as "bearer instruments", meaning that whoever physically held the certificate was considered the owner, regardless of the name on the certificate. It created

/regulation /wealth Fintech innovation and startups

Andrei Karpushonak

Andrei Karpushonak CEO at Aprimerose

The Evolution of Ledger Systems: From Simple Record-Keeping to Double-Entry Accounting

The evolution of ledger systems can be traced back to the early days of human civilisation, where simple record-keeping forms were used to track transactions and assets. Over time, the development of ledger systems has been driven by technological advancements and the need for more efficient and secure tracking of transactions and assets. Double ...

/regulation /wealth Fintech innovation and startups

Andrei Karpushonak

Andrei Karpushonak CEO at Aprimerose

Navigating the Financial Industry: Understanding Risks, Rewards, and Regulations

The financial industry is constantly evolving, with new products and services being introduced regularly. With this growth comes increased risk for investors and greater rewards for those who make the right decisions. To help mitigate these risks, governments worldwide have implemented regulations to protect investors, stabilise financial markets ...

/regulation /wealth Asia Financial Services

Andrei Karpushonak

Andrei Karpushonak CEO at Aprimerose

Beyond stocks and bonds: the world of alternative investments

Alternative investments, such as PE funds, differ from traditional investments, such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds. This article will focus on another alternative investment structure - hedge funds. Hedge funds in the 1990s By the early 1990s, investing had entered a golden age in the USA. More Americans owned investments than ever, pushing sto...

/wealth /startups Fintech innovation and startups

Andrei Karpushonak

Andrei Karpushonak CEO at Aprimerose

Exploring the Potential of Private Equity: Understanding the Risks and Rewards of Investing

Private equity is an investment asset class that involves the purchase of shares in private companies, typically those not listed on a public stock exchange. Professional investors such as venture capitalists and private equity firms make private equity investments, seeking to generate returns through active management of their portfolio companies...

/wealth /startups Asia Financial Services

Andrei Karpushonak

Andrei Karpushonak CEO at Aprimerose

Happy New Year, 2023

2022 was the third year in Aprimerose history. First-year was the difficult one, yet we survived the lockdowns. Great tools helped us stay in sync. We embrace async communication and goal-oriented, which reduced the need to have online meetings to 3 per week (total of two hours). Transparency and a direct approach inside the company help us to a


Andrei Karpushonak

Andrei Karpushonak CEO at Aprimerose

Questions for Singapore Fintech Festival 2022

The best recent year for international conferences was in 2019. Let me use the Singapore Festival (SFF) as a benchmark to prove this "best" descriptor. I attended SFF for the first time in November 2018. The following year was more significant, with more industry experts, ideas, and budgets. There was no international travel in November

/startups /predictions

Andrei Karpushonak

Andrei Karpushonak CEO at Aprimerose

Machine Learning use cases in finance

Does WALL-E use Machine Learning for voice recognition? Before becoming a software engineer, our university president spoke before graduating students during my college time. After many years, I still remember the main idea given by prof Tadeusiewicz: “using a rational approach, we understand particular fields in science already well, yet a lot o

/startups /predictions Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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