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Alex Malyshev

Alex Malyshev CEO at

Voice Cloning: A Blessing or a Curse for the Voice Banking Industry?

Imagine being able to talk to your bank account and conduct transactions without the need for a phone or computer. That's the reality of voice-based banking, a fast-growing industry expected to reach $3.7 billion by 2031 (according to Allied Market Research). Recently, however, a big BUT emerged that threatens the whole industry. Back in 2020, I wa...

/payments /crime Banking

Alex Malyshev

Alex Malyshev CEO at

Hybrid Cloud in Banking: Is Combining a Public Cloud and Own Data Center Worthwhile?

Today, cloud computing is a crucial component of the banking and financial services industry. The American Bankers Association estimates that more than 90% of financial institutions use cloud solutions for some or all of their banking activities. However, despite the widespread use of cloud computing in fintech, most banks are still hesitant to tr...

/retail /cloud Cloud Banking out of the Box