SmartPool to add mid-cap securities

SmartPool, the European exchange-led dark pool for block trading set up by Nyse Euronext, BNP Paribas, HSBC and JPMorgan, is moving into pan-European mid-cap securities.

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SmartPool to add mid-cap securities


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Since launching in February, the SmartPool MTF has offered trading in blue chip stocks from 15 European countries, including those listed on the four Nyse Euronext European markets.

The platform has signed up 14 investment firms and says trading activity soared by over 90% in the second quarter.

It is now looking to expand and from September will add all constituents of the FTSE 250, FTSE Italia mid cap, Dow Jones STOXX 600 mid cap constituents, Germany's MDAX and Switzerland's SMIM.

Trades in these securities will be cleared via LCH.Clearnet for Euronext listed stocks and EuroCCP for all other European markets.

Lee Hodgkinson, CEO, SmartPool, says: "Our expansion into offering mid-caps across Europe will be of great value to customers who wish to trade less liquid securities in a non-displayed environment."

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