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Charmaine Oak

Charmaine Oak Co-Founder/Director at Shift Thought Ltd

How Android Pay changes state of play in the Mobile Payments Game

Now that details regarding Android Pay have emerged, I thought it would be interesting to contemplate on how key mobile payments “ecosystem builders” as I term them, stand with respect to the ongoing mobile payments game. The latest move is Google’s announcement of Android Pay at the Google I/O conference today. This allows customers to pay at reta...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Charmaine Oak

Charmaine Oak Co-Founder/Director at Shift Thought Ltd

An inflection point for mobile financial services in Nepal

As authorities and developers work hard to help families somehow struggle through the devastating results of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake of April 25 and the second major earthquake yesterday, my thoughts turn to the longer term potential of promoting the development of financial services, to help recovery over the next 5 years. Mobile money clear...

Innovation in Financial Services

Charmaine Oak

Charmaine Oak Co-Founder/Director at Shift Thought Ltd

The impact of new technologies on global remittance costs and flows

A new report from the World Bank shows that alternatives to cash are helping to drive down the cost of remittances around the world. The global average cost of sending $200 declined from 8% in Q4 2014 to 7.7% of the amount transferred in Q1 2015. But is this progress enough? As development efforts have intensely focussed on driving down the cost o...

Charmaine Oak

Charmaine Oak Co-Founder/Director at Shift Thought Ltd

Trends in Global Digital Banking drive Citi’s digital strategy

This post shares how trends in digital banking have helped shape Citi's global digital strategy. It summarises some of the fascinating insights shared with me by Aditya Menon, Managing Director, Global Digital Strategy at Citi. Citi has built a global digital strategy across their Corporate Finance, Retail Banking, Investment Banking and other busi...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

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