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Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo

Analytics is the oxygen that energizes new banks to scale new heights of modernization

Large, global banks process billions of transactions across service offerings to a plethora of customers across demographics, daily. In order to sustain effective operations, they must adopt cutting-edge analytics that churn the petabytes of rich information into valuable insights. As of today, most global banks are processing these petabytes of t...

/regulation Banking Architecture

Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo

Apply intelligence where it is needed the most

In my previous blog, we talked about letting the CAT out of the bag in order to make risk management more effective. The 'T' we talked about previously was 'transactions,' the other two being 'customers' and 'accounts.' With the increasing number of channels of monetary transfers - both bank-regulated as well unregulated, anonymous ones, such as B...

/regulation Banking Architecture

Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo

Risk Technology: Let the CAT out of the bag

Today's banks are facing a common challenge across the globe: mounting technology costs and increasing compliance requirements. New organizations are surfacing at every nook and corner to disrupt normal life through violence, and are being funded heavily to conduct global attacks. Due to the way the banks have operated so far - coupled with the ma...

/regulation Banking Architecture

Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo

Indian Private Retail Banks: Su CASA es Me CASA

In one of my recent interaction with cluster and branch heads of India's top three private national banks, a startling fact emerged that the majority emphasis is purely on selling the maximum possible retail portfolio to the customer with the underlying mandate of growing as much CASA as possible. The instructions are to beg-borrow-steal as much C...


Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo

New Customer and New Competitor: Faceless and Boundaryless

As I write this blog, every second a new customer is added to the banks clientele and also a new competitor sprouts out somewhere on the landscape. With the emergence of 'everything online' the customer interacts with the bank(s) online and also gets presented with competing options for his banking needs online. The pandora is shrinking, unobtanium...

Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo

SEPA and the potential Euro fallout

The hush-hush on the street is Greece is out, Italy may go down, next in line could potentially be Spain and so on. The newspapers are ripe with the last minute reforms and short-term strategies to bail-out some of the largest economies within the Euro zone, steps like resignations of the top leaders and acceptence of reforms by some to save the s...

/payments /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo

Is it the right thing?

My first few days of stay in one of the worlds most developed economies USA, has made me think in a lot of different directions related to the methodical ways of doing things here. It feels like a CMM Level 5 country with so many processes / methods to do things and everything well organised and recorded in all facets of day to day life, not to me...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Nikhil Mittal

Nikhil Mittal Financial Crimes Consultant at Wells Fargo

Identifying how much to lend before rotating the gears ahead

We all are aware of the growing interests of large and medium businesses towards financing their daily needs via Asset based financing ranging from financing via factoring to Asset based borrowing. Over the years, many banks have started giving weight to Asset based financing, which is evident from the returns this has given to them YoY as compared...

/retail /wholesale

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