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Luke Voiles

Luke Voiles CEO at Pipe

Why It Doesn’t Matter that Banks are Disappearing as the Lenders for SMBs

Access to capital is a cornerstone for the survival and growth of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Traditionally, these businesses relied on strong relationships with community banks and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). However, as banks consolidate capital and smaller institutions disappear, the financing landscape i...

/inclusion Embedded Finance

Luke Voiles

Luke Voiles CEO at Pipe

Growth at all costs is dead; Three lessons founders can learn from SMBs about sustainable growth

I’m sure it won’t come as a surprise to you that the VC-funding boom of the past couple of years is over. With those VCs still sitting on dry powder, hesitant to pull the trigger on growth-stage companies, there’s not much booming happening at all. Companies are raising down rounds to sustain themselves and looking for ways to get by indefinitely,...

Embedded Finance

Luke Voiles

Luke Voiles CEO at Pipe

Building a lending business is hard. Here’s why most software companies shouldn’t do it.

Convenience has become table stakes now. In the past few years, especially since the onset of COVID, we’ve come to expect that what we need can be dropped on our doorstep with the click of a button. Those expectations go beyond our personal lives and carry over into how we run businesses, which is why embedded financing is growing so fast. For in...

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