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Ron Benegbi

Ron Benegbi Founder & CEO at Uplinq Financial Technologies

Lessons From a Founder

One of the most exciting events in an entrepreneur’s journey towards building a successful business is the very first one that occurs. That moment – sitting in a downtown coffee shop, standing at a bus stop, reading the Sunday paper when, out of nowhere, it hits… “I have an idea”. Ideas are seeds that materialize in the mind, and they tend to form...

/people /identity Small Business Lending Innovation

Ron Benegbi

Ron Benegbi Founder & CEO at Uplinq Financial Technologies

Alternative data: Using macro data points to understand SMB financial performance

A constant and long-standing pain-point for SMBs has been the difficulty they face in securing financing compared to their larger peers. This has been due in large part to the traditional banks considering SMBs to be both high-risk and high cost to underwrite, onboard, and serve. It has been a problem compounded by the fact that credit reporting ...

/payments /inclusion Data sharing

Ron Benegbi

Ron Benegbi Founder & CEO at Uplinq Financial Technologies

An altered landscape: How the pandemic changed how SMBs operate

The complexion of the SMB landscape is regularly subject to change. Disruptive market entrants, new technologies, and fluctuations in the economy, represent just a handful of the influences that can force SMBs to revise their business models. However, as we have learnt over the last two years, even the most dramatic of these influences pales into ...

/inclusion /covid-19 Fintech

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