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Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

Bridging the Gap: Aligning Exchange Technology with C-Suite Vision

The financial industry is at a critical juncture. Exchanges worldwide are exploring future technological landscapes, grappling with frustrations and pain points in current systems. They're considering market evolution from multiple perspectives - business, regulatory and technological. We're witnessing a convergence of executive and technological ...

/markets Capital Markets Technology

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

Why Flexibility is Key for the Upcoming EU DORA Regulation

Ever-increasing digitalisation is propelling the world of financial services to act faster and do more than ever before. One side effect of this is the increased risk posed by the failure of critical suppliers. This is the reason EU regulators have introduced the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), which will implement uniform rules for fin...

/regulation /markets Capital Markets Technology

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

Recent European Elections And Their Implications On Capital Markets

The elections for the European Parliament, held between 6th and 9th of June, could end up significantly impacting capital markets on the continent. This juncture could have the effect of reshaping regulatory landscapes, influencing market stability and altering cross-border economic activities. The shift to the far right in the elections saw a

/markets Financial Services Regulation

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

Is 24/7 Trading Really On The Cards?

We could potentially be seeing a transformative shift in the world of financial markets, as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) seems to seriously be considering 24/7 trading. NYSE’s data team recently released a survey assessing the demand and feasibility of such a model, with questions focusing on preferences for overnight trading, investor prote...

/markets Capital Markets Technology

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

“Nobody gets fired for buying IBM”

The phrase "Nobody gets fired for buying IBM" has been a steadfast mantra in the tech industry, underscoring the inclination to choose established, reliable vendors to sidestep blame when issues arise. Twenty years ago, everyone knew that choosing reputable brands, such as IBM, was the way to go. Yet, they were slow to implement and didn...

/markets Capital Markets Technology

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

Next-Gen Consultancy For Financial Markets

Ambitious financial exchanges need to keep growing. Yet in the world of capital markets this is not always a straightforward task. Each jurisdiction has its own national characteristics and different way of doing things. If an exchange decides to build its own trading or clearing infrastructure, unless it is happy paying an exorbitant cost, it wil...

/markets Capital Markets Technology

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

All Markets Rise: Maximising Exchange Profit by Modernising Across All Sectors

Imagine a scenario in which a large, successful financial exchange is making profits across all its markets alike, from equities, fixed income and derivatives, to commodities and FX. Yet, sadly, this vision is far from reality. Oftentimes smaller and less liquid markets, such as for fixed income and derivatives, find it difficult to obtain the mod...

/markets Capital Markets Technology

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

Back to Basics: A Wishlist for Cloud Providers from the Financial Exchange Industry

Greater investment in hardware and networking needed to make cloud-based colocation and multicast a reality As some of the world’s largest financial industry participants gathered in Boca Raton last week, one fact that was hard not to miss was the increasing presence (and sponsorship) of the major cloud providers. These cloud providers are investin...

/cloud /markets Capital Markets Technology

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

Capital Markets Metamorphosis: AI Forging a New Foundation

We're excited to be heading out to FIA Boca! I’m looking forward to insightful conversations and connecting with everyone again. This year’s agenda focuses on the latest developing technologies, including the potential of next-gen AI and tokenisation, promising to transform capital markets. It’s fascinating to observe that, only a few years ago,...

/cloud /markets Capital Markets Technology

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

How APAC Exchanges Can Prepare For Predicted Growth Of Emerging Stock Markets

The market cap of exchanges in emerging markets should exceed the value of U.S. exchanges as soon as 2030, according to Goldman Sachs economists. They have further calculated that as of 2022, the Americas accounted for only 27.4% of equity trading volumes, which is already less than half of the share of APAC’s volumes. India is forecast to achiev...

/markets Capital Markets Technology

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