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Nataraj Sirisilla

Nataraj Sirisilla Vice President at Temenos

IoT Payments - Are they around the corner

Internet of things is revolutionising digitalisation across sectors and the use of it in Banking and Financial services is no different. IoT holds huge potential in transforming end to end process in financial services , be it operations, fraud prevention, Security, payments, real time data driven decisions and insights, or customer experiences to...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Nataraj Sirisilla

Nataraj Sirisilla Vice President at Temenos

SAAS Services Revenue Riddle - 'Services' hold equal if not more stake in success of SAAS

SAAS CEOs are always on the prowl for one thing for sure and that is about how do I increase my recurring revenue and profitability. It’s no different for other CEOs but more so for the SaaS folks who are on the run to ring the bell on wall street. I am not going to touch up on the usual obvious avenues but instead talk about ways and means of r...

/cloud Whatever...

Nataraj Sirisilla

Nataraj Sirisilla Vice President at Temenos

SAAS and the new tenets of Partner Engagement

The role played by partners and the extent of their involvement in conventional business is way different in SAAS. Partners in SAAS helps vendors to Search for opportunities effectively and efficiently, support in sustaining and scaling the implementations. Given the change in the role played by partners in the SaaS world, SaaS vendors should ensu...

/cloud Business Knowledge for IT

Nataraj Sirisilla

Nataraj Sirisilla Vice President at Temenos

SAAS and the new facets of Partner Paradigm - SEARCH SUSTAIN SCALE

SAAS and the new facets of Partner Paradigm : Search Sustain Scale Not all SAAS vendors and partners are born as SAAS but in fact most of them are evolving into SAAS and hence both the SAAS vendors and partners need to recalibrate their ways of working as they move into SAAS mode. Its no news that SAAS is everywhere and is only bound to percola...

/cloud /markets Business Knowledge for IT

Nataraj Sirisilla

Nataraj Sirisilla Vice President at Temenos

SAAS and the Services Conundrum

SAAS is everywhere, every other product vendor irrespective of the domain wants to launch their existing and new products in SAAS mode. All the surveys and the likes of Gartner and Forrester of the world suggest that SAAS market is not going to be less than ~120 bn USD this year and will only go north. With such a focus on SAAS, there is one aspec...

/cloud Customer Service 2015-2019-2025

Nataraj Sirisilla

Nataraj Sirisilla Vice President at Temenos

5 SAAS Metrics potential customers can leverage for Evaluation: Data driven, immune to Sales Stunts

SAAS is no more a buzz word and has progressed to be the mainstream way of selling software, it is growing by leaps and bounds and progressing towards being de facto way of selling software. SAAS offers lucrative and predictive revenue model to the vendors and at the same time eases the capex pressure on customers paving a way for win-win situatio...

/cloud IT Metrics

Nataraj Sirisilla

Nataraj Sirisilla Vice President at Temenos

SAAS-Valency: Sustain Beyond commodification in Banking SAAS

Needless to say, SAAS (Software As A Service) is the buzzword in the software market today across domains and no discussion in IT corridors is complete without mention of SAAS. Banking and Financial services (BFS) are no different to this magic Sauce called SAAS which will make the software sell like peanuts. I am saying peanuts intentionally beca...

/cloud /predictions Cloud Banking out of the Box