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John Cragg

John Cragg Chief Executive Officer at MYHSM

You're a fintech, I'm a legacy Bank - how can we collaborate?

It was only a few months ago that Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, declared that banks should be “scared s***less by fintechs”. It’s no surprise either as over the last decade the fintech industry has been thriving with new technology paving the way for financial institutions. A rise in electronic payments and a preference from customers to han...

/payments /cloud Fintech

John Cragg

John Cragg Chief Executive Officer at MYHSM

Are challenger banks challenging banking?

No longer new entities in the banking space, challenger and neo banks are now acquiring significant market share in the banking world. In fact, the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of these banking sectors currently stands at 46.5% - a not so insignificant portion of the market. And with this set to increase further – to over $394m by 2026, no l...

/payments /retail Fintech

John Cragg

John Cragg Chief Executive Officer at MYHSM

Every cloud provides a silver service, but which one is right for you?

‘Cloud as a Service’ is the term that often goes hand in hand with ‘cloud migration’ – both of which are now becoming more mainstream due to the cloud’s scalability and hyper-efficient cost benefits. Companies leveraging the cloud can focus more on core business operations and avoid spending time and resources on processes and infrastructure, whic...

/security /cloud

John Cragg

John Cragg Chief Executive Officer at MYHSM

Navigating PCI PIN Security Requirements

Security and compliance in the payments ecosystem cannot be underestimated and should always be adhered to. Yet, understanding the complexity of the various security standards is something that cannot be taken lightly, and regulatory compliance is constantly evolving so navigating it can be a major task. The introduction of PCI Security is intende...

/security /payments Fintech

John Cragg

John Cragg Chief Executive Officer at MYHSM

What is the future of digital payments?

Digital payments have evolved tremendously over the past few years, raising the question: where will digital payment technologies take us in the future? As more consumers become tech savvy the opportunities are endless, especially as we are only just now tapping into the unprecedented potential from global smartphone penetration with 3.2 billion s...

/payments /covid-19 Fintech

John Cragg

John Cragg Chief Executive Officer at MYHSM

So, you want to operate your own data centre?

If you are going to build a data centre to handle activities such as card issuance and payment transaction processing, then that data centre will need to meet the requirements of one or more Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards. PCI DSS PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) is applicable to data centres that process or handle cardholder data...

/security /regulation Fintech

John Cragg

John Cragg Chief Executive Officer at MYHSM

Understanding the changes of Thales payShield 10K

Last year, Thales announced the latest version of its payShield product family, the 10K. Since MYHSM’s inception we’ve been using the Thales 9000 for some of our services and were aware that a new model was on its way, but we were confident in Thales’ track record of ensuring backwards compatibility of the API. Turns out we were right! However, we...

/payments /cloud Fintech

John Cragg

John Cragg Chief Executive Officer at MYHSM

What's stopping financial institutions from using the Cloud?

The majority of financial institutions have or are developing a cloud strategy, and most are already making some use of the cloud. There are a number of reasons why the cloud is an attractive alternative to running your IT in the traditional manner of owning and operating in-house data centres, including: reduced costs, and costs of cloud computi...

/payments /cloud Fintech

John Cragg

John Cragg Chief Executive Officer at MYHSM

The expensive problem facing Fintech start-ups

This really is the decade of the Fintech start-up. The payments world is experiencing an unprecedented rate of change; new payment methods and technologies are resulting in increasingly frictionless payment experiences, causing closer integration between online shopping and payments to match the user experience. The major financial institutions ...

/payments /startups Fintech

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