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The Writing is Not on the Wall, digital signage in finance

I have a bit of a soft spot for technology. So I was interested to find out more recently about some of the smart technology that is behind the eye catching video advertising screens that are popping up around train stations and our department stores. Under the catchy umbrella term of digital signage, these screens are becoming increasingly sophisticated with the most powerful of them being able to respond and react to external stimuli such as touch and movement, and to interact with people around them either through the display or via Bluetooth messaging.

However, whilst it is obvious how these types of smart signs can be used to give directions to an event or maybe sell an iPad by demonstrating what it looks like in operation, its application to financial services is less clear. For example, in say personal finance, will the regulatory issues to be tackled, such as Know Your Customer, when trying to interact with “unknown” people mean that they will struggle to go beyond a more engaging rolling advert platform?

I would be interested to know what you think on this topic and whether you have seen any interesting, relevant applications.


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