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Nurturing my Inner Maverick

Apparently travel broadens the mind, at least that’s why I am travelling to Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium with alliance partner Rob Woolley (SVP EMEA of Globant) to the Somesso “Creating Social Capital” event. For those of you who don’t know Globant, it is the leading Latin-American IT Services & Software Development group, and they have developed widely used innovative solutions and services with their clients Google and LinkedIn, as well as a range of financial sector firms. So the link to social networking is not as obscure as you may have first suspected and I think this explains part of the reason it is becoming an increased focus for MPI Europe.

At the Somesso event, which draws together some of the leading thinkers in this area, we will hear from Google pioneers (presenting the keynote – “Nurturing your Inner Maverick”) and participating in sessions aimed at “redesigning organisations through social tools” from firms such as Headshift. As well as adding to our knowledge, I am keen to perform an experiment to see what can be done with existing social/web 2.0 tools including “live” blogging on during the course of the day, as well as use of Twitter and LinkedIn to keep you informed.

The intention is to make this as interactive as possible, so please get involved, share your views and help understand more about what works, and indeed what doesn’t. The choice is yours. Either simply “listen” by revisiting this blog, or the LinkedIn discussion during the day or even follow me on Twitter, or for those of you with an inner maverick streak please feel free to comment on this blog, discuss in LinkedIn or even tweet! At the end of the process, I will report back on what we have uncovered.


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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