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Recovering Bank Charges - 2

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I rang the Alliance & Leicester this morning and spoke to the Call Centre and explained that I had read a lot about the recovery of charges and wanted to know what I had to do to query and possibly recover mine.

The very nice lady explained that they would send me a form and I had to complete it and return it with 10 pounds and that the bank then had 40 days in which to respond.

We’ll wait for the form.

In the meantime I have just been hit by another overdraft daily charge of £25 which means they haven’t amended their charges despite the fuss and the fact that the Consumer Action Group advise that Alliance & Leicester have repaid £284,292 to customers so far in disputed charges payments repayments as reported to them.

Since 1st January I have been charged £122.76 in bank charges, the most I have ever gone overdrawn since Jan 1st is £412, which is £62 over my limit.  Which do you think is better for the bank; £5 a month for the facility, or £122 for the so-called abuse of it?  Yet requests to increase my overdraft limit are always met with a refusal.

Keep you posted, but let me have your input too at the end of this article or personally, if you wish.



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