ABN Amro shares computer power in battle against coronavirus

ABN Amro is harnessing its data-driven research lab Dataistic to help scientists conduct research aimed at controlling the deadly Coronavirus.

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ABN Amro shares computer power in battle against coronavirus


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First opened in January 2019, The Dataistic Center was set up by ABN Amro and Dell Technologies to undertake data-driven research with a social objective.

Having undertaken data analysis projects with universities, medical institutions and charity organisations in the battle against childhood cancer, the Centre is now lending its computing power to the Folding@Home distributed computing project.

Folding@Home's initial focus was on protein folding but has shifted to more biomedical problems, including Covid-19-related research.

“Through Folding@Home we hope to speed up the development of methods to control Covid-19 and other diseases,” says Micha Rentier, head of the Technology Lab of ABN Amro.

He says the bank is reaching out to all scientists fighting Covid-19, offering help with computer calculations, analysis or setting up data research.

“Joining the Folding@Home initiative is a start, but we believe that there are more researchers, like data scientists, virologists and doctors, that can benefit from our Dataistic Center facilities.”

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Comments: (1)


This is great, well done! 

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