Bank details of Lloyds customers reported stolen

A data storage device containing the bank information of thousands of Lloyds customers has been reported stolen by insurance firm RSA.

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Bank details of Lloyds customers reported stolen


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The device contained names, addresses, bank account and sort code numbers of Lloyds Premier Account customers.

RSA, which provides emergency home insurance for the customers, says that the device went missing from a data centre and was reported stolen at the end of July.

The firm says that it has no evidence that the data has been misused but is contacting all affected customers and is offering them free access to the Cifas identity protection tool for two years.

An internal investigation is underway and the police, Financial Conduct Authority, Prudential Regulation Authority and Information Commissioner’s Office have all been informed.

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Comments: (1)

Michael Fuller Former Retail Banker at None

Stolen FROM not BY RSA surely?

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