Caplin launches Trader application for online FX and fixed income dealing

After two years in development UK-based Caplin Systems has launched Caplin Trader, an out-of-the box Web trading application that enables banks to build online FX and fixed income trading portals.

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Caplin launches Trader application for online FX and fixed income dealing


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The vendor says its new Caplin Trader product is an interactive Web application using Ajax technology that offers seamless integration with existing transaction systems and delivers an intuitive trading interface to users' desktops.

Customers can access Caplin Trader from any standard Web browser. The application's drag-and-drop Ajax framework comprises a series of standard components including product grids, trading panels, trade blotters, trading tickets, product and instrument search, charts and news displays. Banks can also create their own components, customise appearance and configure the trading logic to meet requirements.

Caplin says the application offers a cost effective alternative to the more traditional sell-side to buy-side offerings.

"Although most major investment banks already have online trading portals, these prototypes are often not robust nor functional enough to meet customer requirements," says Paul Caplin, CEO, Caplin. "Banks need truly scaleable and functionally rich online portals in order to cost-effectively extend online trading to their mid- to low-tier clients."

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