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Rolf Van Der Pol

Rolf Van Der Pol MD at i-KYC

Pakistan is not the only country where this can happen

This article ( published in ‘Dawn’ last year not only describes the K&K case clearly but at that highlights some of the underlying issues in Pakistan. A large informal economy, a tradition of sending money abroad and widespread use of hawala networks are the 3 basic factors. Then there’s a widespread use of


Rolf Van Der Pol

Rolf Van Der Pol MD at i-KYC

Trade Based Money Laundering, it’s a craft to fight it

Hong Kong is only one country where regulators are focusing more and more on TBML as can be read in this article . TBML is less transparent and harder to detect than more traditional types of money laundering. As the article mentions “there is no rigid set

/regulation Asia Financial Services

Rolf Van Der Pol

Rolf Van Der Pol MD at i-KYC

A best-practice model for compliant banking

In a recent article by Pjotr Kaminski and Kate Robu both working for McKinsey&Company an outline is given for a more structural solution to deal with ever increasing regulatory requirements and compliance challenges < >. The title of

Asia Financial Services

Rolf Van Der Pol

Rolf Van Der Pol MD at i-KYC

Lack of confidence in your AML CFT program? Why?

A substantial number of compliance officers (about 44 per cent) lack confidence in the anti-money laundering (AML) programs of their organizations, according to a new report (#mce_temp_url#) That’s an interesting finding since compliance officers are ultimately responsible for compliance of the whole organization in their role as MLRO. The pace an...

/regulation Asia Financial Services

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