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Mohit Joshi

Mohit Joshi President, Financial Services at Infosys

AI in Banking - Robo Advisors and beyond

Technology has changed the very psychology of money and the way we perceive it and artificial intelligence promises to further the ease of doing business for economies across the globe. The great recession left people unsure and with a lower level of trust in banks. The need for secure systems and solid investment plans however, continues to be as...

Mohit Joshi

Mohit Joshi President, Financial Services at Infosys

Brexit: the way ahead for the financial services industry

To the regret of the financial sector and many businesses, the UK has indeed voted to withdraw from the European Union. While the actual decision has been met with disenchantment by the wider business community, the bigger concern is the lack of information and clarity over what happens next and how we get there. This is the ultimate challenge faci...


Mohit Joshi

Mohit Joshi President, Financial Services at Infosys

The rise of financial utilities

In a highly competitive business like banking, cost and performance efficiency is a major determinant of success. As a result, banks are always looking out for opportunities to derive a little more value from their already optimized operations, a search, which has only intensified in these tough economic conditions. One opportunity that has their ...


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