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Lee Williamson

Lee Williamson Research Analyst at Cash Management Solutions

Why the ATM Industry should embrace Apple Pay

There is no doubt that the digital revolution has already hit the banking sector. According to an American Bankers Association survey released in August, 31% of those questioned stated that online banking was their preferred banking channel. It’s easy to understand why Internet banking would be the favored option in today’s modern, digital world: ...


Lee Williamson

Lee Williamson Research Analyst at Cash Management Solutions

Embracing Payment Options Doesn’t Mean Giving Up On Cash

In recent weeks and months there have been reports released on Australia’s payments landscape. The majority of these have been looking into the impact of alternative payment methods and how they have been adopted in Australia, which, as has become more prevalent these days, has led to an attack on cash. In a report this week by the Australian Pay...


Lee Williamson

Lee Williamson Research Analyst at Cash Management Solutions

Cashless Street - Valuable Experiment or Shameless PR Stunt?

Last month, an experiment on Beech Road in Chorlton, Manchester, transformed it into the UK’s very first ‘cashless’ street. For one day only the majority of the shops and businesses stopped accepting notes and coins, forcing customers to pay with credit or debit cards. The experiment was organised by card payment provider Handepay to see if we are ...

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