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Andy Hirst

Andy Hirst VP Banking Solutions SAP at SAP

Two key technologies driving Machine Learning in Financial Services

Predictive powers Many people wish they could predict what will happen next in the world. Many predictions are assigned to the waste bin of time very quickly. With hindsight, unforeseen factors come into play that changed their 'models'. It is because there were so many factors involved to predict. The ability of models to analyse and interpret me...


Andy Hirst

Andy Hirst VP Banking Solutions SAP at SAP

Machine Learning: Lessons for Banks From Self-Driving Cars

I read a McKinsey article the other day about 'cultural invisibility' - that tipping point when new technologies become so common they're taken for granted and become 'invisible'. Electricity, steam engines, and other twentieth century inventions typically seem to take about 80 years to make the transition. Computers haven't faded from view just y...


Andy Hirst

Andy Hirst VP Banking Solutions SAP at SAP

Big Data's Three Big Trends in 2016

Big Data’s Three Big Trends of 2016 Last year at Sibos, I talked in depth about some of the key learnings from Big Data projects. At the time, the industry was still getting to grips with the era of data and what that meant for the business of banks. A year on, we are still in a state of transformation, as industry-wide Big Data implications cont...


Andy Hirst

Andy Hirst VP Banking Solutions SAP at SAP

Reflections on Sibos 2015

In a word: Sibos. That major event on everyone’s calendar is done and dusted for another year. With Singapore still (relatively) fresh in our minds, I thought I’d sum up my key reflections. What topics were firmly on the agenda – and what took centre stage? Is there a new ‘business as usual’? Absolutely. It was no surprise that digitisation was the...


Andy Hirst

Andy Hirst VP Banking Solutions SAP at SAP

Top Ten predictions for analytics in banking in 2015

Top Banking trends for 2015 – Data and Analytics Here is my list of predicted trends in banking analytics in 2015 . Another year of significant growth in analytics is envisioned driven by regulatory mandates and growth of social intelligence. 1 Visualization . It is still early in the cycle for visualization technologies With employees ge...

/regulation /retail

Andy Hirst

Andy Hirst VP Banking Solutions SAP at SAP

Big Data is the key to the future of digital services

Nowadays, big data isn’t so much big, as XXXL. Financial institutions are grappling with increased information demand in real time from both customers and regulators, while also finding optimal ways to store, organise, present and monetise the increasing data crush. But how can data be used by banks to provide a better level of service, making c


Andy Hirst

Andy Hirst VP Banking Solutions SAP at SAP

Driving digitisation: the big win-win for both sides

Empowered and connected like never before, customers want anytime, anywhere access to their financial data. Sounds like hard work and a big technology investment for banks? Actually, life is set to get easier. Whether it’s for customers or banks, digitisation is the new win-win. Thank goodness. Banks are becoming accustomed to looking at their


Andy Hirst

Andy Hirst VP Banking Solutions SAP at SAP

To be in-branch or not to be in-branch? That’s the question

It seems France and Britain still have little in common. Financial services institutions in Europe have different views about the future of in-branch banking, although they all agree that everyone values the personal touch. That applies to conventional face-to-face meetings and digital services from a tablet, mobile or smartphone. So, what are th


Andy Hirst

Andy Hirst VP Banking Solutions SAP at SAP

Give them the Omni Channel Expereince

Are today’s financial services customers increasingly frustrated by banks that are unable to meet their shifting requirements? Definitely. Growth in the use of smartphones and tablet computers opens up greater expectations of more personalised services for people on the move, at work or at home. Did you know that banking by tablet is most executed ...


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