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Simona Catanescu

Simona Catanescu Market Manager post-trade Asia at SWIFT

Capital Market platforms, what makes them successful?

The move towards platforms and consortiums When most of us think of broker-dealers, asset managers, exchanges, we tend to see them as trustful agents for investing our funds. While this is true, these capital market players are also technology companies that maintain large infrastructures for post-trade processing covering all subsequent services...

Capital Market Technology

Simona Catanescu

Simona Catanescu Market Manager post-trade Asia at SWIFT

Will regulations drive a unified post-trade space in Asia?

Asia is a continent of diversity and contrasts, and its post-trade and settlement space is no exception. Some of the major financial centres (Korea, Hong Kong) are promoting a T+2 settlement cycle, while their neighbours of similar calibre (Singapore, China) are in favour of T+3. Some of these domestic markets are opting for single-sided ...


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