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James Varga

James Varga CEO at The ID Co.

Why Bank Data Will Dominate in 2019

I was intrigued by the production of the below graphic after being asked to comment on it by colleagues within the context of Open Banking. Without question, it gives food for thought. With the luxury of hindsight, it feels odd that it took almost half a decade for electricity to be available to a mere 25% of the US population. There are very good ...

Open Banking

James Varga

James Varga CEO at The ID Co.

Open Banking Is A Success. I'll Show You Why.

Following the one-year anniversary of Open Banking going live in the UK, I was struck by how many headlines suggested it had somehow “failed” or is otherwise not fit for purpose. The negative press surrounding Open Banking has stemmed from a variety of viewpoints. Some from a lack of understanding by journalists on the subject, some concerned wit...

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