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Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

6G Quantum 2035 Banking Communication

The 6G era will have hegemony around 2035. 6G bank communication will be accepted in various mobile data comparisons transmitted through spectrum 6G technology. An important part of the new paradigm of 6G will be the intelligent reflective surface, quantum teleportation, quantum encrypted messaging, 6G holography, distributed ledger. In the mid of...

/sustainable /predictions 5G Payments Schemes and Strategies 2020 - 2035

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

6G Critical Infrastructure and Quantum Secure technologies in mid of 2030's

The spectral technologies in mid of 2030s such as THz communication, molecular communication and quantum communication will dramatically improve the data rate. The blockchain will become an important part of a 6G society using smart devices of all of multimedia data, The 6G new paradigm in the sustainable future will shift intelligent materials. Cy...

/sustainable /crime Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Are the organizations ready to gain the most of the new data sets coming from 5G technologies?

Benefits of 5G technology-advanced scalability of networks, virtual routers, virtual switches, improved security and use of cloud platforms, use of high-performance servers, data processing centres, reduced network service start-up time 5G wireless infrastructure called C-V2X for existing Wifi technology Nokia-T-mobile UK Nation 5G New Radio Sta

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

When the 5G network comes online on the 2020s..

When the 5G network comes online on the 2020s, a smartphone with an ultra high speed download of 1 Gbps or more is displayed. Due to the popularisation of 5G, the download speed reaches 20 gbps, the upload speed reaches 10 gbps and it may rise exponentially. However, 5G will be ultra low speed and faster. Being able to become instantaneous experi...

Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

How Many Lumps of Sugar for a Blockchain coffee?

by Miloslav Hoschek, PhD., e-Silk Road, NGO ECB as a First Lump of Sugar in a Blockchain coffee The blockchain technology is destroying infrastructure of existing systems with no intermediates and without central authority. Every ledger entry is retractable across its full history and can be reconstructed. Every node applies the same rules and...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Are Sleeping Beauties in CE Europe Ready for PSD2 and GDPR Count Down?

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new banking charter protecting personal data and will have a legal impact all entities trading with European citizens from May 2018. Banking Advanced Authentication – support strong and risk authentication needs with technology implementation from the leading vendor, Banking API Management and ...

/security /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Innovation eats banks

The era after 2020 will be more volatile and full of drastic changes. What are the strategic areas for banking payment industry? Should payments be as quick as e-mails or messaging with smart phone applications? Banks must develop the faster and cheaper infrastructures. A new technology and protocols could provide banks with a competitive techno...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Y2020 working with 30 different EU directives

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision FSB - Financial Stability Board ECB 's Liquidity, risk aggregation FINREP,COREP reporting ECB's monetary reporting and manual interest rate MIR, ECB's securities holdings statistics requirements SHS EBA The European Banking Authority papers, EBA's ruleb

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

YEAR 2020 strategies over 30 different EU banking directives

EU standards, rulebooks and guidelines BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision FSB Financial Stability Board ECB Liquidity, risk aggregation and reporting (FINREP, COREP frameworks) monetary reporting and manual interest rate MIR, securities holdings statistics requirements SHS EBA The European Banking Authority papers, EBA's rulebook...

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Q HFT in a 2030 world of negative interest rates

Each millionth of a second is commercially counted through HFT (high frequency trades) deals. Accompanying phenomenon of global HFT infrastructure is a commercial supremacy race. The debate on spectrum handling HFT argued that U.S. stock and commodity market is like a casino, where large investors are manipulating the market. It is estimated tha...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

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