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Roberto Garavaglia

Roberto Garavaglia Independent Advisor at Innovative Payments & blockchain Strategic Advisor

The silent revolution of fees, but what fees?

From Canada and the United States to the United Kingdom, a wave of changes in the Interchange Fees for Visa and Mastercard card payments promises to rewrite the rules of the game. But what exactly are these commission costs, and why is it important to understand their pricing model? I explain this in this post. When we talk about economics and fin...

/payments /regulation

Roberto Garavaglia

Roberto Garavaglia Independent Advisor at Innovative Payments & blockchain Strategic Advisor

X: Elon Musk's Financial Revolution

Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur known for ambitious ventures such as Tesla and SpaceX, has recently outlined extraordinary plans for X (formerly known as Twitter), vowing to radically transform the way we manage our financial lives. In this blog post, we delve into X's ambitions to become an all-encompassing financial platform, examining the ...

/payments /crypto

Roberto Garavaglia

Roberto Garavaglia Independent Advisor at Innovative Payments & blockchain Strategic Advisor

Brexit and digital payments: what are the impacts for the future

Since the stroke of midnight on 31 January 2020, United Kingdom 'is out', to use the same wording we have seen appearing in London's squares, to mark the country's exit from the European Union. Beyond an all too lively and often vague narration of the economic consequences that such a step, now taken, could have on the old continent (and not only)...

/payments Financial Services Regulation

Roberto Garavaglia

Roberto Garavaglia Independent Advisor at Innovative Payments & blockchain Strategic Advisor

In the amazing world of tokens

A complete analysis of token definitions, their main uses, the future of decentralized applications and token-economy, in an evolutionary path that goes beyond the 3.0 paradigm, crosses that of Industry 4.0, to attain a Society 5.0 concept. These are the contents of this article that, starting from the examination of the term “token”, very often c...

/crypto Blockchain Observations

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