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Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Are Your Employees Putting Your Company at Risk? Here’s How to Find Out!

Even if you have the best security on your computer network, you might have noticed that you still seem to get hacked…or worse. Ask Equifax. Why is this happening? It’s probably because a member of your staff has made it easy for cyber criminals to get inside. It’s really important that you find out who this person is, and keep in mind…it might be...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

10 Internet Security Myths that Small Businesses Should Be Aware Of

Most small businesses don’t put as much focus on internet security as they probably should. If you are a small business owner or manager, not focusing on internet security could put you in a bad spot. Are you believing the myths about internet security or are you already using best practices? Here’s a few of the most common myths…take a look to se...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

The Term Identity Theft Protection is Often a Lie

If you are working for an IT security company, I have a message for you: the term “identity theft protection” is way overused and even abused as a marketing term. We know that this term is used to sell services and products, but does it really protect a user from being the victim of identity theft? No. This is no different than labeling a food as...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Use a Password Manager Or You WILL Get Hacked

Do you ever use the same password over and over again for different accounts? If so, you are not alone. However, this is quite dangerous. It’s best to use a different, unique password for each account, and to make it easier, you should use a password manager. According to surveys, people understand that they should use unique passwords, and more th...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

14 Social Media Disasters Ready to Strike

There are many ways that you or a small business could get caught up in a social media disaster. Can you think of any off the top of your head? If you are like most of us, probably not. Here are 14 ways that you could be in danger: A Terrible Online Reputation – Do you keep a watchful eye on you or your business’ Facebook page? Are people posting ...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Understanding and Stopping Criminal Identity Theft

The definition of criminal identity theft is a crime where the criminal impersonates the victim in order to protect their innocence. This can lead to victims getting fines or even getting arrested and charged for crimes they did not commit. How Does This Happen? There are a number of ways that a criminal can pull this off, and it generally occurs w...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Top 10 Signs of a Malware Infection on Your Computer

Not all viruses that find their way onto your computer dramatically crash your machine. Instead, there are viruses that can run in the background without you even realizing it. As they creep around, they make messes, steal, and much worse. Malware today spies on your every move. It sees the websites you visit, and the usernames and passwords you ty...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Top 10 Tips for Securing Your Mobile Devices and Sensitive Client Data

Do you have employees who bring mobile phones to work and use those devices on the corporate network? Do they store company data on these “Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD)”?? Does your company have a policy in place for this? First, the moment a person brings in their personal phone to work, there is a fusion of personal and business tasks that occur....


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Your Social Security Card Gets Stolen: Now What?

You might be shocked to know that when Social Security numbers were first given in the 1930s, the intention was never to use them as a form of identification. However, most of us use our Social Security numbers all of the time, from doing transactions at the bank to visiting our doctor’s office. You need your SSN to apply for jobs, to open credit ...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

What Was Scary About Blackhat 2017?

As you might know, at the end of July, all types of hackers came to Las Vegas to attend Blackhat 2017. During the conference, some pretty scary hacks were exposed, and we can all take this as a lesson on what we are up against in this technology-heavy world. Here are some of the scariest hacks we learned about during Blackhat 2017: Carwash Hijacki...


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