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Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

ChatGPT Conversations Stolen: What You Should Do Now to Protect Yourself

Stolen ChatGPT conversations have been found on the Dark Web, according to Singapore-based cybersecurity firm Group-IB. The theft and publication of ChatGPT conversations reveals a danger about the software that many users may not know. According to Group-IB’s data, nearly 27,000 ChatGPT conversations were offered for sale on the Dark Web in May 2...

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

FTC Safeguards Rule: Real Estate Businesses Must Check Their Status

The new FTC Safeguards Rule goes into effect on June 9. Everyone in the real estate industry needs to take note of this and evaluate their need for compliance. Failure to comply can result in fines up to $43,972 per day. There is an above-average chance that your real estate business will be subject to these regulations. Who Is Subject to the FTC ...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Covid-19 Remote Desktop Has Significant Risks

Are you newly working from home? Or are you an old pro? Either way, it is likely you are using some form of remote desktop protocol. Those of us who have been working home as our primary means of earning a living, know these tools very well and are accustomed to eliminating the various distractions in our home environment in order to get the job d...

/security /identity

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How to Prevent your Devices From Spying on You

You might not realize it, but your electronic devices may be tracking you. They know what you are doing, what you are reading, and the things you like to do. In almost every case, you give these devices permission to collect this info when you start using them. Here are some tips to help you prevent your devices from spying on you: Laptops Macs I...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

What is Synthetic Identity Theft?

Identity theft is when a person steals another person’s private and personal information, generally to make money from it. You probably already knew this, but have you heard of synthetic identity theft? This is a bit different. With synthetic identity theft, a person creates a new and very fake identity by combining the real information from a per...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

How a Wi-Fi Hacker Snoops on Your Laptop and Mobile

You have likely heard of the dangers of using unsecure public Wi-Fi, so you know that hackers are out there snooping. It is pretty easy to hack into a laptop or mobile device that is on a public Wi-Fi connection with no protection. Hackers can read your emails, steal passwords, and even hijack your website log ins. Let’s imagine that you are in a...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Creating an Effective Business Continuity Plan

Most of us have no idea when a disaster is about to strike, and even if we do have a little warning, it’s very possible that things can go very wrong. This is where you can put a business continuity plan to good use. What does this do? It gives your business the best odds of success during any disaster. What Exactly is Business Continuity? Busines...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

SIM Swapping: What You Need to Know

Have you heard of SIM swapping? It’s a new trick that hackers are using to get money and mess up your life. What is SIM Swapping? So, what is SIM swapping? It’s when a hacker tricks your cell phone company into thinking that you have activated your SIM card on another phone. In other words, the hackers are taking your phone number and then associa...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Apps for Stalkers Disguised as Parental Control Tools

Sell something called “SuperParent” or even the actual FlexiSpy — and all is swell. Frankly, I’m not opposed to monitoring a child’s phone, kids shouldn’t have phones anyways. But sell something called “iStalk” or “StalkU,” well … this won’t quite go over well with the authorities or the general community. It’s all in a name (pardon the cliché). A...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Florida City Pays Hackers dollar 600,000 after Scam

Riviera Beach, a city in Florida, has agreed to pay a $600,000 ransom to hackers who attacked its network. This week, the City Council voted to pay the demands after coming up with no other option to meet the demands of the hackers. It seems that the hackers got access to the system when a staff member clicked on a link in an email, which uploaded...


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