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Zennon Kapron

Zennon Kapron Founder at Kapronasia

What Apple Pay means for China

The launch of Apple Pay will likely have a profound impact on the payments industry in the US and potentially Europe, but what does it mean for China? A big bite or a small one? After Apple's launch annoucement of Apple Pay in early September, speculation was rife as to what the business model would look like and how Apple and the other players in ...

Future Finance

Zennon Kapron

Zennon Kapron Founder at Kapronasia

China Bitcoin Exchanges 2.0

Seven months after the PBOC's crackdown on bitcoin exchanges in China and we're seeing a resurgence in talk about what Chinese bitcoin exchanges are doing and where they are going. While accusations of falsifying trading data and questions about bitcoin's future in China still abound, China's bitcoin exchanges want to move on and forget the past, ...

Zennon Kapron

Zennon Kapron Founder at Kapronasia

Why you should watch China's banking industry in 2014

For decades, China has been known as the imitator and not the innovator. The argument goes that the West came up with social networking, mobile payments, group-buying, etc. and China imitated it, sometimes better, sometimes worse. C2C – copy to China. R&D – rob and duplicate. There are numerous terms to describe it. After living in China for ...

Future Finance

Zennon Kapron

Zennon Kapron Founder at Kapronasia

Insurance companies to kick-start Shanghai Stock Exchange?

The Shanghai Stock Exchange has been in the doldrums for the past couple of years and was the worst performing Asian exchange of 2013. Dismal performance and increasing questions about the transparency and 'fairness' of the mainland's largest market, have virtually erased the optimism that drove the market to record setting heights in the early 20...

Asia Financial Services

Zennon Kapron

Zennon Kapron Founder at Kapronasia

Of Bitcoin ATMs and regulation in Asia

Over the past week, Robocoin Technologies announced they were expanding their Bitcoin ATM offering into Asia with planned ATM installs in Taiwan and Hong Kong. If you're not familiar with the Bitcoin ATM offering from Robocoin, it is one of the first Bitcoin ATM/Kiosks in the world and is 'cash-only' insofar that it is not connected into a bank net...

Asia Financial Services

Zennon Kapron

Zennon Kapron Founder at Kapronasia

Could Alibaba's Jubaopen transform China's FSI cloud?

On November 27, 2013, the Ali-cloud division of Alibaba group announced the launch of Ali Financial Cloud services. Background Ali financial cloud services has been developed to provide secure and stable IT resources and internet operation services for financial institutions including banks, funds, insurance companies and securities companies. The ...

Future Finance

Zennon Kapron

Zennon Kapron Founder at Kapronasia

Bitcoin in China: so where are we now?

It sounds trite if you’ve read my other posts on Bitcoin in China, but ‘wow! What a week it has been for Bitcoin in China’. With the PBOC effectively cutting off (legal) funding of accounts on exchange platforms, is there a future for the currency in China? Been here before Despite all the speculation (including our own), the result of the last wee...

Future Finance

Zennon Kapron

Zennon Kapron Founder at Kapronasia

Expansion Challenges for China's tier 2 banks

After 18 years of economic development, China’s Tier 2 Banks, mainly city commercial banks, are growing to fill a gap in-between state-owned banks, and rural commercial banks. As part of their growth, many city commercial banks are attempting to expand their branches in other regions, however, the Chinese Banking Regulatory Committee (CBRC) regula...

Future Finance

Zennon Kapron

Zennon Kapron Founder at Kapronasia

Observing retail banking behaviour in Asia

With a wide range of channel choices for retail customers, banks need to be aware of the usage and preferences for each channel which can vary for multiple reasons including the purpose of the transaction, complexity and where the person is from. On the digital channel, customers usually require a fast and convenient service such as simple transact...

Future Finance

Zennon Kapron

Zennon Kapron Founder at Kapronasia

What the Chinese government announcement means for Bitcoin

From purchasing property with Bitcoins, to the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange, to incredible mining operations, China over the past few months has become the largest Bitcoin market in the world and a key part of the Bitcoin story. Just over a week ago we heard from the US government. While not giving a complete answer on the growing virtual curre...

Future Finance

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