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Hubert O'Donoghue

Hubert O'Donoghue Managing Director at O-C Group

PCI DSS Dos and Don'ts

PCI DSS Dos Secure your network, deploy firewalls and disable unnecessary services and protocols. Even if you are a Card Present merchant, you most likely have internet connectivity which may indirectly expose sensitive data. Be particularly careful with wireless (remember TJX) When you make changes to systems carry out security testing to ...

/security SEPA and European Payments

Hubert O'Donoghue

Hubert O'Donoghue Managing Director at O-C Group

The need to get serious about PCI DSS

It seem like every second day we hear about another security breach or data compromise involving usually tens of thousands of card numbers and often additional and even more sensitive information which if used in conjunction with the card number can result in serious financial loss and reputational damage to the compromised party. At the same time...

/security /payments SEPA and European Payments

Hubert O'Donoghue

Hubert O'Donoghue Managing Director at O-C Group

SEPA Cards Framework - is it progressing ?

The EPC Q&A document unfortunately did not say very much or advance the position of the SEPA Cards Framework in real terms. The situation on the ground for consumers is that because of the failure to agree interoperable technical standards and card ranges cardholders will continue to find situations where they will try to use co-branded Maestr...


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