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Ben Rattue

Ben Rattue Manager - Product Partnerships & Propositions at

A deep dive on the benefits of Variable Recurring Payments

Variable Recurring Payments (VRPs), or Dynamic Recurring Payments (DRPs) as they’re commonly known in continental Europe, represent a promising payments innovation and are poised to deliver significant benefits to both merchants and consumers, potentially unlocking several killer use cases for open banking-enabled payments. This article explores t...

/payments /retail Open Banking

Ben Rattue

Ben Rattue Manager - Product Partnerships & Propositions at

Bringing the benefits of Variable Recurring Payments to life

If the sessions and discussions at Open Banking Expo UK and Europe on 18-19 October were anything to go by, then Variable Recurring Payments (VRPs) are generating plenty of interest and excitement across the ecosystem, including among merchants, payment services providers (PSPs) and banks. The reason for the hype is because VRPs deliver better out...

/payments /retail Open Banking

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