
3 articles tagged with this keyword


ECB warns banks on outsourcing risks

The European Central Bank is warning banks that their management of outsourcing risk must improve, with a stringent focus on the processing of personal data.


Finextra's top research reports of 2023

With 2023 drawing to a close, we take a look back at our most downloaded whitepapers, sentiment papers and surveys over the course of the past year. These reports are Finextra-led and cobranded, based on editorially balanced, independent, referenced desk-based and online research.


Finextra's top impact study reports of 2023

With 2023 drawing to a close, we take a look back at our most downloaded impact study reports over the course of the past year. Our impact study reports are how-to, best practice guides that support those in the financial industry in their utilisation and optimisation of particular technologies, as well as providing an outlook at future trends to watch.