Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

706 results about this entity

Period: 02 Sep 2004 - 16 Jul 2024


FCA to conduct fair value assessments to ensure consumer savings deals

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has assessed 9 firms on their savings products following concerns of unfair saving deals for consumers.


Update on the FCA's wholesale data market study

The FCA is on track to publish its wholesale data market study report by 1 March 2024.


FCA to take ‘balanced’ approach in access to cash regime

Through the Financial Services & Markets Act 2023 (FSMA), the UK parliament has given the FCA the power to seek to ensure reasonable provision of cash deposit and withdrawal services for personal and business current accounts in the UK or part of the UK.


Innovate Finance calls for innovation in response to HM Treasury

Innovate Finance has submitted a response to HM Treasury’s Call for Proposals on how to measure success in relation to the financial regulators’ new secondary objectives, emphasising that supporting innovation in FinTechs is key to ensuring competitiveness.


Consumer Duty: FCA finds fund manager value assessments need improvement

The FCA has conducted a review of fund managers’ value assessments and have found that while many firms have better practices in place, some still require improvement.


FCA finds fund managers’ value assessments significantly improved, but still work to do

Following a review of fund managers’ value assessments, the FCA has found that while many firms have better practices in place, some still require improvement.


FCA urges Brits to watch out for loan fee fraud

With Brits under increasing financial strain this summer, the Financial Conduct Authority is urging Brits to watch out for signs of loan fee fraud.


FCA points Consumer Duty at bank savings rates

The first action under the UK Financial Conduct Authority's new Consumer Duty rules arrives with the publication of a 14-point action plan to boost cash savings interest rates.


FCA finds banks have a mountain to climb to meet new Consumer Duty

With the new Consumer Duty set to come into effect next week, the Financial Conduct Authority has found that 7.4 million people unsuccessfully attempted to contact one or more of their financial services providers in the 12 months before May 2022.


FCA implements permanent Digital Sandbox

The UK's Financial Conduct Authority has implemented a permanent Digital Sandbox, making the testpad available full-time for firms wanting to try out innovative technologies.


FCA chief warns banks of AI risks and Big Tech threat

FCA chief Nikhil Rathi has urged banks to up their spending to combat the rise in AI and the threat of 'deep fake' fraud.


FCA continues crackdown on crypto ATMs in the UK

Since the start of 2023, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has visited and inspected 34 locations across the UK suspected of hosting crypto ATMs.


BoE and FCA release data collection transformation update

The Bank of England (BoE) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have met their phase one commitments in ongoing delivery of the Transforming Data Collection (TDC) joint transformation programme.


FCA proposes UK consolidated tape

The UK's Financial Conduct Authority is proposing the introduction of a consolidated tape in order to give investors clear and low-cost trading data.


Bitstamp secures registration as a cryptoasset service provider by FCA

Bitstamp, the world’s longest-running cryptocurrency exchange, has been registered to fully operate in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).


FCA cracks down on crypto advertising

The UK's Financial Conduct Authority is to introduce tough new rules for the marketing of crypto assets, including a 24-hour cooling off period for first time investors.


UK regulators set out next steps to help UK open banking grow

The Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee (JROC) has today set out an ambitious programme of work to take forward recommendations for the next phase of open banking in the UK.


FCA bans referral fees for debt packagers to help struggling consumers

The FCA is banning certain providers of debt advice from receiving referral fees from debt solution providers.


FCA plans to align rules for fund managers and investment managers pose material threat says Pimfa

PIMFA, the trade association for the wealth management, investment services and financial advice sector, has raised serious concerns about the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) proposals to harmonise rules governing the way in which fund managers and discretionary investment managers operate, saying the proposals would pose a material threat to managed portfolio services (MPS).


FCA and PSR appoint new officers to decision-making committees

The FCA and PSR Boards have appointed two new Deputy Chairs - Margaret Obi and Edward Sparrow - to the FCA’s Regulatory Decisions Committee (RDC) and the PSR’s Enforcement Decisions Committee (EDC).