European Central Bank (ECB)

315 results about this entity

Period: 16 Feb 2007 - 01 Jul 2024


Clearstream, DekaBank And DZ Bank issue ttokenized bonds on DLT at ECB trials

Clearstream, DekaBank and DZ Bank have jointly issued two tokenised €5-million bonds using distributed-ledger technology (DLT). The issuances took place in the context of the ECB trials aimed at exploring the potential of DLT for settling wholesale transactions in central bank money.


Digital euro would maintain freedom to choose how Europeans pay - ECB

With Europe inching towards the issuance of a digital euro, the ECB has embarked on a charm offensive, taking to media outlets across the continent to reassure citizens that the new payments option will compliment, not replace, cash and provide them with greater freedom of choice.


ECB picks Boerse Stuttgart to participate in EU-wide blockchain tests

Boerse Stuttgart Group is the only exchange operator in Europe to have successfully applied for the second wave of the European Central Bank's (ECB) EU-wide tests, in which the settlement of blockchain-based financial transactions against central bank money is being explored.


ECB consults on outsourcing cloud services

The European Central Bank (ECB) today launches a public consultation on its new Guide on outsourcing cloud services to cloud service providers.


ECB conducts first DLT trials for wholesale central bank money settlement

The Eurosystem has begun the first of a series of trials to test the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT) for the settlement of wholesale transactions in central bank money.


Reliance on digital solutions raising the stakes for bank cyber security

The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA - the ESAs) today issued their Spring 2024 Joint Committee update on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU financial system.


ECB ready to penalise UniCredit for continuing business in Russia - Reuters

The European Central Bank (ECB) is ready to impose sanctions on Italy’s UniCredit as the bank continues to participate in business with Russia.


EU regulators consult on techncial standards for Digital Operational Resilience Act

The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) launched today a public consultation on the draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the conduct of oversight activities in relation to the joint examination teams under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).


ECB preps DLT trials for wholesale central bank money settlement

The European Central Bank has put together a host of participants for exploratory work on the use of distributed ledger technology to settle wholesale transactions in central bank money.


Bloomberg scored electronic trading platform contracts by ECB

Bloomberg today announced that it has been awarded three framework agreements (the ‘contracts’) in relation to the provision of Electronic Trading Platforms (‘ETP’) to the European Central Bank (‘ECB’) and other Eurosystem National Central Banks (NCBs’).


Central banks adopt LLMs to extract climate risk data from corporate reports

The Bank for International Settlements has completed proof-of-concept testing of Project Gaia, an initiative conducted in concert with three central banks to explore the use of natural language processing, optical character recognition and machine learning to extract climate-related data from corporate reports.


MPE 2024: What will be the impact of a digital euro?

At the Merchant Payments Ecosystem 2024 conference in Berlin, Evelien Witlox from the European Central Bank (ECB) presented a keynote on the possibilities of a digital euro.


Sweden becomes the first non-euro area country to join Tips with its national currency

Swedish market participants are settling instant payments in Swedish kronor in the Eurosystem TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS), after a successful migration over the past weeks.


ECB officials liken crypto regulation to providing new clothes for a 'naked emperor'

Senior payments experts at the European Central Bank have billed the SEC's approval of spot exchange-traded funds (ETF) for bitcoin as an example of the 'naked emperors new clothes', legitimising a currency whose fair value as an asset is effectively zero.


ECB data reveals decline in physical bank offices across the EU

As part of its role to help preserve financial stability, the ECB is tasked with keeping an eye on developments in the banking sector to identify vulnerabilities and foster resilience.


ECB warns banks on outsourcing risks

The European Central Bank is warning banks that their management of outsourcing risk must improve, with a stringent focus on the processing of personal data.


ECB introduces new policy for more bank board expertise on ICT and security risks

The SSM supervisory priorities for 2024-26 establish that banks should address the information and communication technology (ICT) and security risks stemming from the digitalisation of banking services.


Banks "barking up the wrong tree" over CBDC deposit flight says ECB

The European Central Bank says banks are "barking up the wrong tree" when they fret over the impact of deposit flight from a future digital euro, arguing instead that stablecoins and electronic money institutions pose more of a threat to the deposit base.


ECB will only use European suppliers for digital euro build

The European Central Bank has been explaining to MEPs its decision to search for possible providers to develop a digital euro platform and infrastructure.


ECB steps up climate work with focus on green transition, climate and nature-related risks

The European Central Bank (ECB) has decided to expand its work on climate change, identifying three focus areas that will guide its activities in 2024 and 2025: