Bank Administration Institute (BAI)

3 results about this entity

Period: 18 Nov 2005 - 23 Feb 2009

Plastic replacing cash in US - BAI Research

Consumers' use of cash in the US is declining as they continue to embrace a range of card-based payment options, according to a study conducted by BAI Research and Hitachi Consulting.

Americans shun paper for e-payments - survey

Nearly two thirds of all US consumer payments are now made electronically as Americans increasingly turn away from cash and cheques, according to research from BAI and Hitachi Consulting.

Service quality blights bank relationships

Whether it's cynicism from service quality breakdowns or the desire to "play the field" with banking options, nearly seven in 10 banking customers say that having a relationship with their banking institution is low on their priority list, according to a study presented at the BAI Retail Delivery Conference in Florida.