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Fintech discussions and conversations around the development of fintech.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

10 years of contactless

It is staggering to write this down, but contactless in the UK is nearly ten! And it’s exciting that ‘tap and go’ payments are going from strength to strength. Since the introduction of contactless cards in September 2007, it has gradually become the payment method of choice for many, as society gradually moves away from cash. More than half of a...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

What do prominent P2P players think of the RBI regulations?

Following the US and UK models, RBI is all set to jump on the bandwagon of regulating the P2P space with strict guidelines. The norms being finalised are expected to release in a few weeks, how are the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms faring? What is their stance on this? Will the stringent norms curb the innovation? Instead of speculating we...

/regulation /startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Miffed with SWIFT?

SWIFT is to the payments industry what taxi cabs are to travel. Old, slow and likely to hit your wallet by taking you on the scenic route to your destination. Why? Why not. What’s your alternative? For those of you who aren’t aware of SWIFT, it’s an acronym for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications. It’s a cooperative tha...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Blockchain in Action : Round-up of blockchain stories from July 2017

The blockchain journey for most enterprises starts with a curiosity to learn and understand more about the blockchain, how it works, its relevance for the enterprise and how it can potentially transform and impact the business technology landscape through Blockchain Education. Next, enterprises move to Blockchain Experimentation in which they try t...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

New players need old players to flourish

In recent years, there have been numerous headlines hailing the rise of a new breed of financial technology players and the downfall of incumbent banks. However, to what extent has this been the case and how valid is it? There was plenty of debate at the recent EBADay in Dublin focussing on PSD2 and Open Banking, both in lively panel sessions and o...

Avik Nandi

Avik Nandi Payments Consultant at Wipro Ltd.

Alternate Payments & the Ecosystem

According to a WorldPay report, cards which accounted for over half (57%) of internet payments in 2012, will fall to 41% by 2017. Alternative Payments would rule the online payment markets with a 59% growth. Usually, alternative payments are everyday payment methods and can be divided into local and global methods. Local alternative payments addres...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open Banking and PSD2: New players need old players to flourish

Richard Ransom, Payments Solution Lead, Bottomline Technologies In recent years, there have been numerous headlines hailing the rise of a new breed of financial technology players and the downfall of incumbent banks. However, to what extent has this been the case and how valid is it? There was plenty of debate at the recent EBADay in Dublin foc...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is P2P lending really a threat to NBFCs?

P2P lending is a relatively new kid on the block of alternative lending. Though the industry is still in a nascent stage, the p2p platforms have managed to cause their fair share of disruptions. Are these tech savvy trendsetters really a threat to the traditional lending tycoons such as NBFCs, and MFIs? Well, let's find out! What is P2P lending? ...


Paul Butterworth

Paul Butterworth Strategic Marketing Director at Trustonic

Six key themes from Money 2020 Europe

After a frantic few days in Copenhagen for Money 20/20 Europe, I’m finally back at my desk. The flight home gave me a bit of time to digest the discussions and presentations and, amid the melee and company announcements, a few themes stand out. 1. Let’s get wallets out of the way first. The majority of industry folk now admit that wallets are not w...


Sameer Singh Jaini

Sameer Singh Jaini CEO at

Lending API-fied : Start of P2P Lending Revolution

National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has revolutionised Indian Payment Industry and has removed friction. Newer payments platforms like IMPS, UPI, BBPS etc have solved payment and collection problems of all customer segments. NPCI has change the market by standardising and securing APIs across banks. UPI is classical API use case, which i...


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