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Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Payments systems visions, strategies, trends, pilots, forecasting, and planning for the short-, medium-, and far-term.

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Unorthodox Willem missed anti-deflation modelling

In Wall Street Journal paper Sept.10, a chief economist of Citi London Mr. Willem Buiter had written interesting article titled: Is this the Right Time for the Fed to go Negative? It is not a bad article, but nothing more. Missing a strong new ideas, how to tame deflation using a new central bank engines and how to model this anti-deflation n

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Milliseconds Battlefield ChiX Europe LSE Xetra Topix NYSE

cont. copyright Miloslav HOSCHEK PhD independent consultant mhoschek/ad/


Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

2015 Strategies for Social Networking Payments

cont. copyright Miloslav HOSCHEK PhD independent consultant mhoschek/ad/

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Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

4Gs in 2015 and EPC mobile SEPA chimera

Reading about EPC e-SEPA ambitions I have in my head two proverbs, an old Byzantine one "a Throne is Only a Golden Tomb" ...and another one... "do not teach an old dog the new tricks"... cont. copyright Miloslav HOSCHEK PhD independent consultant mhoschek/ad/

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Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Q Eurozone Deflation and Clearing Houses Mechanism

Please, may I get an answer to following 2015 hypothetical scheme: In the case ECB' s Board will announce the negative discount rate ( official rate under ZERO level) as a long-term lasting new doctrine for a battle with deflation in eurozone, what may happen then? cont. copyright Miloslav HOSCHEK PhD independent consultant mhoschek/ad/g...

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