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Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Payments systems visions, strategies, trends, pilots, forecasting, and planning for the short-, medium-, and far-term.

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

Crusade against cash

I have written 380 blogs in Finextra since I was invited to join in 2008. Mostly about themes like e-banking, e-invoicing, e-id, e-salary, payments, the Single Market and lately more about the data-driven economy and its drivers DLT, GDPR and MyData. I am very grateful for having received some 1,6 million views and will try hard to get to the 2 mi...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Modernizing The Gift Card: Take Your Incentives To The Next Level

Gift cards continue to play an extremely important role in incentive marketing. Last year alone, the North American corporate market spent over $80 billion on incentives – including merchandise, experiences, and gift cards. Everyone has used a gift card at some point in their lives; gift cards are as ubiquitous as cash or cards at modern retails s...


Jared Ronski

Jared Ronski Co-founder at MerchACT

The Chargeback Battle Has Just Begun

The hustle and bustle of holiday shopping season is in full-swing, and with it comes the threat of a spike in chargebacks. While the excitement of increased ecommerce sales—to the tune of a predicted $119.99 billion—may glisten in merchants’ eyes, they should not forget what is lurking around after the holiday excitement calms. This increased ecom...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Right Partner Can Make All The Difference!

One of the most important aspects of being a successful person is knowing that “you can’t do it alone.” Something I learned at a very early age is that you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with. Hurdling may be an individual sport, but I wouldn’t have reached the top of the podium at the 1992 Olympics without the help and suppo...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

8 Ways To Recognize Small Accomplishments

To ensure your employees succeed, I suggest the following plan for recognizing and rewarding small accomplishments: Publicly Recognize Your Hard-Working Employees Perception and optics matter. Recognize achievements, celebrate milestones, and strengthen bonds by publicly acknowledging small wins. Create a culture that is built for future success....


Jared Ronski

Jared Ronski Co-founder at MerchACT

High Risk Holidays: Avoiding Termination During Peak Season

As the holidays swing into full-gear in 2018, high risk ecommerce merchants are well-advised to prepare their business for an onslaught of sales—and fraud. With an expected 15% year-over-year increase in online sales, high risk merchants are especially prone to problems arising from volume spikes, fraud spikes, and bad actors looking to exploit on...

/security /payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Monetising the UK’s new Request to Pay service

Having just attended the Pay.UK (formerly known as New Payment System Operator (NPSO)) progress update event, there seems to be a good amount of excitement, anticipation and intrigue around the launch of the New Payments Architecture (NPA) and associated End User Overlay Services – Request to Pay (RtP) and Confirmation of Payee (CoP). The ramific...


Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

How Many Lumps of Sugar for a Blockchain coffee?

by Miloslav Hoschek, PhD., e-Silk Road, NGO ECB as a First Lump of Sugar in a Blockchain coffee The blockchain technology is destroying infrastructure of existing systems with no intermediates and without central authority. Every ledger entry is retractable across its full history and can be reconstructed. Every node applies the same rules and...


Jared Ronski

Jared Ronski Co-founder at MerchACT

5 Best Practices for Mobile Payments in 2018

Mobile commerce is on track to comprise over 63% of ecommerce sales in 2018, and an estimated 73% by 2021 according to Statista. It’s no wonder that top-tier companies are investing heavily into their mobile strategies. These investments are often used to improve the user experience with intuitive, fast-loading designs, mobile-first optimizations...


Patrick Bermingham

Patrick Bermingham CEO at Adflex

The gateway that opens new business for ISVs

Using an API-led integrated digital payments gateway brings new opportunities for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to capitalise on emerging business models and add value to existing clients. In today’s competitive commercial environment, innovation and disruptive ideas are changing the business model across many industries. A subscription-based...


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