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Video extravaganza

A round-up of interesting videos knocking about on the web. Anything worth watching of interest to Finextra community members.

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Contactless payments make prime time TV debut

Contactless payment technology is getting a big push in the UK courtesy of Barclays, which has started running a prime-time TV advertising campaign. The ad features an office drone travelling home from work in a giant water slide, picking up groceries on the move and passing through payment tolls by waving his card at a reader. It's been an undergo...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Windows 7 boy band pop video

Here's a moderately amusing viral video on YouTube attempting to plug PDC 2008, where traditionally Microsoft unveil their future of "the Platform" and technical strategy. Their what? At the event it's expected that Steve Ballmer will explain what he meant by Windows Cloud and it also seems that attendees of the event can waltz off with...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Any fool can be a money mule

The Netherlands Bankers Association have launched their own inimitable viral-style Web campaign to alert people to the dangers of easy-money mule recruitment tactics (hat-tip to Linkdump). Although the campaign is only available in Dutch, the approach is bizarre enough to hold your attention. Somehow, I can't see the buttoned-up UK banks producin...

/security /retail

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Cisco's giant phone

This is impressive technology. You can see it in action on this Cisco promo vid on You Tube. And no. I'm not on a retainer.

/retail /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Wall Street got drunk

Words of wisdom from President George W Bush on the financial malaise gripping the world economy and the sub-prime mortgage crisis, captured surreptitiously on video at a private event and posted on YouTube. More hilarity - only this time of the genuinely funny kind rather than hysterical - from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, comparing and cont...

/retail /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Cityboy: The musical

I fear the exploits of Cityboy at the Glastonbury music fest may have gone to the poor chap's head. The ex-DrKW analyst is back on YouTube promoting his catchy new single 'Cityboy'. All together now: 'I'm just a Cityboy Another lonely pretty boy Columbian exports in my brain I'm off my face again' Burt Bacharach he ain't. Maybe he should have sta...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Cityboy goes Glasto

Cityboy, Beer and loathing in the Square Mile, is a fictionalised account of rampant egotism, greed, prostitution and drug-taking in the heart of London's financial centre. The lurid tome was penned by Geraint Anderson, a former utilities research analyst at DrKW, who grew tired of the City's excesses after a debauched ten year's at the sharp end....


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Vista video rocker shocker horror

If you can take horror movies, you may like to view this stomach churningly awful video. Apparently it was made to help Microsoft folk not take themselves so seriously all the time. Would it help them if other folk outside Microsoft made an extra special effort and didn't take them at all seriously either? I know not. I'll give it a go tho'. Alw...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bankers get hint of new Windows version

Following on from previous discussions of Vista on this site, interesting to see The Register reporting that Mr Gates said at a meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank on Friday that Windows 7 could be released "sometime in the next year or so". Interesting. That sounds like a very tight deadline to do something thoroughly. Mind...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Chew on this cubicle-dwellers

Is it an adventure theme park….a children’s nursery….a health spa? No, it's Google’s new European engineering HQ in Zurich. The 'office' space features meeting 'pods' in the style of Swiss chalets and igloos, fireman poles to allow easy access between floors and a slide to ensure that people can get to the cafeteria as quickly as possible Other ar...

/retail /wholesale

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