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SEPA and European Payments

The Single Euro Payments Area, the Payments Services Directive, the Eurosystem, TARGET2, STEP2, the Euro and related matters.

Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Is the ECB bankrupt, at least on a mark-to-market basis?

Yesterday Reuters published an article entitled "Restive bond markets may complicate ECB's exit plans". This was a piece speculating about how and when the ECB can taper off and finish its Asset Purchase Programme ("APP"), its version of Quantitative Easing. The piece stated that "Currency strength and a doubling of benchma...

Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Predictions for the Payments industry in 2018: new EU Treaty signed for full EMU

This is the third of our predictions for the Payments industry in 2018, and it is about the Euro and its path to full completion. Brexit is both a threat and an opportunity for the “centralisers” at the European Commission. Their arguments will be firstly that the Single Market and the Customs Union (“Economic” union) cannot work properly and be co...


Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

PSD2 compliance for leg-out payments difficilitated by the virtual elimination of Cover payments

Banks in the EU/EEA will be obliged – as from January 2018 – to quote all-in prices to their customers for: payments going to or coming from outside the EU/EEA, in any currency; and payments with both endpoints in the EU/EEA but where the currency is a non-EU/EEA one like USD or JPY, and where correspondents in the respective currency centres will...

/payments /regulation

Carlos Figueredo

Carlos Figueredo CEO/Founder at Open Vector Limited

PSD2 - Time for banks to join in or lose out

It is no secret that the PSD2 regulation will open up the playing field to Fintechs and to the creation of AISP’s (Account Information Service Providers) and PISP’s (Payment Information Service Providers). Banks will have to share account information from their clients while PISPs will be able to generate payments on behalf of an end user. While ...


Rakesh Lakhani

Rakesh Lakhani Executive Director at JPMorgan Chase

How will banning credit card surcharging impact the uptake of PSD2 PISP transactions

PSD2 introduces two measures amongst others that potentially contradict each other and may limit their ability to hit the goals they set out to achieve: Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs) PISPs may initiate a transaction on behalf of the customer directly from their bank account. These transactions will bypass card networks and therefor...


Carlos Figueredo

Carlos Figueredo CEO/Founder at Open Vector Limited

PSD2 Solutions - Who to choose in today's fintech crowded world?

There are numerous articles related to PSD2 as to what it is and what it will mean to the various parties involved but there are also countless firms stating that they offer PSD2 solutions, which in theory, some may be relevant. So how do you differentiate between them all? In the past we would rely on our sometimes expensive but well known stap...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Could there be a real rival to SWIFT?

Finding a SWIFT alternative always comes up in any discussion about messaging standards and the direction the finance industry is going. Most professional people in the know agree that SWIFT is a double-edged sword with both good and bad points. On balance the good has outweighed the bad but the gap is narrowing. SWIFT has had some outstanding ach...

/payments /retail

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Thomson Reuters Hub looks the business

Yesterday's announcement from Thomson Reuters about their partnerships with Cisco's Jabber XCP, IBM Lotus' Sametime and Microsoft's LCS/OCS can only be termed exciting. The hub connection solution is going to provide financial services with a viable approach to the disparate data problems afflicting the industry for decades. The hub enables cross ...


Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Avoiding a depression

It's not often that I find myself in agreement with Peter Mandelson the UK Government Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform but this economic crisis is producing many strange bedfellows, forging unusual statements and acts, as everyone tries to come to terms with what's going on and more importantly what to do about it....


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Crisis gives national banks an upper hand in payments

I have been thinking a lot about how the crisis is having a different impact on the world’s national banks, which don’t seem to be suffering as badly as the big international players. In the cards and payments business at least, national banks may be able to take advantage of the crisis to get ahead while big international players struggle to surv...


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