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Bank or IT? - You Decide!


I don't know if you've noticed, but we've been upping our 'innovation' coverage over at Finextra Towers. Don't worry, we still have a lot of love for the dark suited, world weary IT and business types fighting the good fight against legacy infrastructure, regulatory mandates, shrinking margins and an increasingly fickle customer base. ("We want more personal service - we just don't want it in person.")

But we've started talking to a few more young dudes who sport t-shirts or don tweed hats and play around with code and embrace open APIs in an effort to offer banking and payment services to market segments that have been ignored by the traditional banking establishment. The so-called disrupters, the developers, the 'cool kids' who never consider Sepa or Basel III or Dodd-Frank when they break out their Mac books to build an mobile app that would allow people to donate small change to their favourite charities.

Maybe be they should...oh let's not get into that now.

Anyway, there is a lot of debate on the future of global financial services. One debate I hear quite often is: What is a bank? Is it a *duh* bank or is it an IT company? 

So far be it for me to decide for you, I would like you, our Finextra Community to hash it out - blog comment style. Come'on all you folks not yet on holiday... 

Are you a Bank or are you an IT company? 




This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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