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Now we are ten


The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that Finextra's sporting a proud new logo.

That's right. we're celebrating our tenth birthday later this year and we thought we'd mark the occasion by commissioning a special commemorative logo.

Truth be told, Finextra's tenth anniversary goes back a little further than 2010. About eighteen months earlier to be precise, when we initially spec'd out and commenced the build for what was to become the financial technology industry's first-ever Web-based publishing service.

By 16 June 2000 our new purpose-built content management system was good-to-go and we flagged up our first live news item - a $35 million investment by Reuters in Pedestal, an Internet-based secondary mortgage marketplace operator.

A year later, Pedestal had burned through $60 million in investor funding and was looking to sell off its assets as the dot com boom finally ran out of steam.

Ten years on and 30,000 new stories later, we're about to emerge from another spectacular market crash, slightly frazzled but in a stronger position than ever before, with the online publishing model vindicated and our monthly page view total fast approaching the five million mark.

My own personal highlights over this ten-year odyssey are too numerous to mention. Suffice to say that when we pop the champagne corks on 16 June we won't be looking back, but instead looking ahead to the next ten years. 

I'll be back with a status update in 2020. Can't wait. It should be interesting reading.


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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